Long left out of the main factions, the Chaos Dwarves have been shunned in the worlds at large, but still they manage to pull themselves up by the boot straps and still get a team together to play Blood Bowl. Today sees the pre-orders for the new plastic Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team: The Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats, and what a fearsome team they are, especially supported by their minions the Hobgoblins. These are all great looking minis, and supported by two Star Players - Zzharg Madeye and H'thark the Unstoppable plus some heavy hitters in the guise of the Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs (all in resin) they are sure to be popular. There is also the Chaos Dwarf Team – Double-sided Pitch and Dugouts Set, Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team Dice Set and Card Pack plus they are the main focus of Blood Bowl Spike! Journal Issue 18.
Now the confluence of events spoken of just seconds ago, is that in the Warmhammer: The Old World rules, the Chaos forces can take allied Chaos Dwarves. So now, with just a few accessories, you could turn these elite athletes into battleground friends or foes! Guaranteed these will be a hit!
Speaking of Chaos, since it's somewhat of an easy transition - Warhammer: The Old World is bringing back some classic and much-loved plastic Chaos minis. The mounted Chaos Knights, excellent Chaos Chariots (even if the crew are very dated so replace those), the Marauder Horsemen (amazing for Space Wolf heads) and the very dated and a bit janky Chaos Marauders. All multi-part, multi-pose solid miniatures you must take to your home and love. There's also the somewhat comedic Chaos Warhounds, who honestly just want to curl up by your fire and be loved... while chewing on your forearm.
The recent release of Necromunda: Hive Secundus, we now have some resin warriors to supplement the ongoing disaster that is "the other Hive Spire". Led by the amazing-looking Lady Haera in Sthenian-pattern Hunting Rig, we also have the foul denizens of the Many Armed Emperor, Hermiatus, the Second Son, a Malstrain Alpha, and the frankly hideous Malstrain Coalescence. They all look pretty great, and it's a pity we don't get these in plastic really.
The more recent Warcry box, Briar and Bone, has had it's warbands released individually, with the Teratic Cohort (adding some great new units to the Bonereapers) and the Twistweald (for the Sylvaneth) now ready to join your Age of $igmar forces on the field of battle. Hopefully this is a sign of some new minsi for the Bonereapers especially as the Kavalos Centari, Teratic Prowlers, and Aviarch Harpies add so much to their look and feel.
In books this week we have the new Above and Beyond in Hardback telling the story of daring do in the skies and (takes deep breath) The End and the Death: Volume III The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra Book 8: Part 3 in paperback. In many ways the Horus Heresy series is a true triumph, but frankly this is the end, and not before time.