Here's the big one - the Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Ultimate Starter Set, it has the minis and the play tools, but it's missing a rulebook. Well it has the Spearhead rules, but not the full game rules, not even a little chibi version! They're not being too subtle about moving people to Spearhead mode, are they? Next up, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Starter Set which comes with most of the minis, but no rules, not even the Spearhead rules! This is probably the cheapest way to get a taste of the new minis (minus the heroes and with half some of the units), so could have very easily been called "The Miniature Taster Collection" and left the rest of the stuff out of it. Finally we have the Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Introductory Set which comes with a few minis, some paints and the TWWB (The World's Worst Brush). Not too sure who this is aimed at either. Even if you bought this, are you really going to take five Stormcast over to your mate's place? So as you can see, all of these don't quite hit the mark. Sure you can go and buy the Rulebook, or even fork out on Skaventide, but as the Ultimate Starter Set is the same price of the previous edition's full boxed sets, how is this motley offering designed for people trying to get into the hobby? Seems like they were designed by an accountant not a hobbyist.
Okay, so you've mortgaged the cat, sold your sister and you now have minis - it's time to paint! There's three new hobby sets - Stormcast Eternals Paint Set which has three Stormcast, some paints and TWWB and the Skaven Paint Set, which includes some paints, five Skaven and TWWB. Both good ways to get into the hobby for newbies - just throw away TWWB, go to the local craft store and spend a few dollars on a multi-pack of brushes. The last of the new hobby sets is the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Paint and Tools Set which is actually pretty nifty, especially as they are full pots not dinky mini pots.
Again for this edition we have the Getting Started With Warhammer Age of Sigmar book. These are a great repository of lore and articles on modelling and painting. I bought a couple of copies for my nephews for one of the previous editions, and it was great! Latter ones weren't as good, but it's really worth passing these on to anyone you think might be interested, plus they come with a two minis.
Away from Age of $igmar, we have Warcry - the little engine that could of the Warhammer world. The latest expansion is Warcry: Briar and Bone, sees us returning to the Gnarlwood (yawn!) as the Bonereaper's Teratic Cohort take on the Sylvaneths' Twistweald, who definitely pulled the short straw as they are infested with painful plants and bugs. As if being a living tree-elf-spirit wasn't bad enough! Both of these sets are nice, and the Teratic Chort brings brand new units to the Bonereapers.
Previous Warcray warbands have leapt from the last boxed expansion giving you access to the Lumineth Reamlord's Ydrilan Riverblades and Nagash's cowled wunderkind, the Pyregheists. Also from that expansion we have the Idol of the Old Ones terrain piece which can happily join your Seraphon forces/ terrain collection/ pile of shame with pride. This is on my list!!
In books this week we have the hardback of Lioness of the Parch and the paperback of Blacktalon.
Apologies for the brevity of this update, I accidentally deleted the first one, so this is version 2.