It seems like 2025 is going to be the year of the Army Box and this time it's the Gitmob Army Set. Not sporting as much wackiness as previous units in the Gloomspite Gitz range, the Gitmob Army Set is the place you can first get your hands on the new Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz. If that's not the drawcard, then the minis might be, with the brilliant Droggz da Sunchompa, six Snarlpack Cavalry and two of the new Sunsteala Wheelas chariots. Although the dice don't come in this set, the new Warscroll cards: Gloomspite Gitz do, so it's a good set for experienced faction players or maybe soemone starting out.
Speaking of pesky little green dudes, Warhammer Underworlds have a new warband, with Borgit's Beastgrabbaz giving us the cute and intricate the Gitmob Army Set does not. Full of character, this set offers an addition to your current warband, or maybe just some nice character models to add to your Gloospite or Goblins army. Speaking of Warhammer Underworlds, there's a new Rivals Deck, this one called Edge of the Knife. Please note that both of the Warhammer Underworlds products are delayed in Japan. You thought all that was a lot of green - well the Orruk Warclans Dice Set has finally been released, so calm down Orc players, we don't like it when you rage!
Necromunda players rejoice as you have a menagerie of dangerous looking folks to either hire or maybe match your skills against! Let's start off with this unlikely duo, Madryc Helbane and Lugrun (i'm doing whatever the big guy tells me!), there's also a particularly gruesome worm-fiend in the shape of the Servant of the Silent Ones (so cool), we get our first real "cyberpunk" unit for Necromunda with the House Ty Onmyodo Coven, a very interesting addition is the House Ko’iron Ministorum Delegation (so many modelling options with the guy in the chair!), a particular favourite is the Cadaver Merchant and 'Narker set, with the guy in the apron looking pretty similar to the bartender I did a few years ago. An interesting little team out of the blue is the Heretek and Servo-skulls - could we see Tech Gangers come back?
Warhammer: The Old World is actually really exciting. Maybe it's a mix of nostalgia, maybe it's the way it's being done - either way we are in! Although Empire isn't a huge favourite here, you just have to love these minis. They are quick to paint, look great on the battlefield and offer so much customisation across the range. Granted the helmet options aren't so great, but they are well worth a look - even with the price rise. To get into the Empire of Man, then you'll want to jump onboard the Arcane Journal: Empire of Man, which gives you all the lore and extras you'll want to know to field them. Like the others, The Empire of Man Battalion offers you a group of units that work harmoniously together, with a Steam Tank, thirty State Troops and thirty State Missile Troops. You effectively get the Steam Tank for free. Unfortunately this one does not include the book and play accessories. Happily there's a whole lot of Empire minis on pre-order this week (some are delayed releases for Oceania) including the excellent General of the Empire on Imperial Griffon and a kit I haven't seen before, which is the Commanders of the Empire (giving you multiple build options for your commander, mounted or not). There's also some resin options for command, including the once-rare formerly Forge World Empire of Man Command Set, plus three metal sets - the Imperial Ogre with Light Cannon, metal Teutogen Guard Command and Teutogen Guard Warriors. For your troop choices, get a load of these plastic beauties - the most Warhammer unit EVER - Demigryph Knights, the Empire Knights, an excellent kitbashing set in the Empire Greatswords, your rank and file Empire State Troops and State Missile Troops, the Empire Archers (which are painted up here in skirmisher gear, but you could easily paint these with livery on), the Free Company Militia (whose description doesn't actually match them - these are mercenaries not village levies), the super-Grimdark Flagellants and of course the fantastic Empire Pistoliers. Remember these are rank and file troops so lack the details of the more modern minis we're used to. There's some support units too, with the retooled War Altar of Sigmar, the Cannons & Mortars team (making one of each or two of each) and the Helblaster Volley Gun & Helstorm Rocket Battery (making one of each or two of each). In metal we also have the old Imperial Ogres and Imperial Ogres with Great Weapons. We also have some Made to Order item for Warhammer: The Old World too with the classic (and pretty outdated) metal Commander of the Empire on Pegasus, the excellent metal General of the Empire on Griffon (this might be a Perry Brothers mini), the metal Commanders of the Empire, a real lost classic in the metal Empire Battle Standard Bearer (at a great price), the metal Classic Empire Engineers and last but not least, the War Wagon in resin. With the Empire of Man in full charge now, the Empire of Man Reference Card Pack, Empire of Man Dice Set (which echo the colours of the original rulebook) and new Empire Of Man Transfer Sheet are also on pre-order this week!
In books we have the hardback version of Verminslayer for Age of $igmar.