Get ready to end the new era with the Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Core Book, available for pre-order this weekend. Available in $igmar Simp Limited Edition or We Miss The Old World Standard Edition, we're predicting this will be the last hoorah in the Age of $igmar before Games Workshop may decide to bring back The Old World into the main universe.
Now if you want to jump straight into Age of $igmar, then you'll be needing the Warhammer Age Of $igmar General's Handbook 2024-25. But I bought the rule book and the Faction Cards, why do I need this other book? Well, friend, the General's Handbook brings you up to date with the latest narrative events in the Warhammer Universe, plus it gives you the new Matched Play Season Rules 2024-25, including the Grand Alliance-specific battle tactics, 12x Battleplans, the new Tournament Organisers Pack, the all-important changes to endless spells warscrolls and rules, some Advanced Rules for applying to matched play Battlepacks, the Citadel terrain types, and some blank sheets to fill out. If you want to be one of those competitive sporty players, then this is for you!
Warhammer Age Of $igmar: Spearhead – Fire & Jade Gaming Pack is a way to get the four new pieces of terrain at a cheaper price - not but seriously, this will give you a Double-sided gameboard designed for Spearhead games, the plastic push-fit pieces of terrain, 36 x Spearhead cards and the entirely disposable 6" Plastic range ruler and 1x 3" plastic range ruler. Get into Spearhead with this set as it seems to be the game mode GW are really pushing this edition.
The big pre-order this week are the Faction Packs, which is basically a set of cards with your Faction's unit profiles and abilities, army rules, the new Spearhead rules etc. These are available for all Factions, so you can quickly get up to date with the new rules - Stormcast Eternals, Skaven, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Disciples of Tzeentch, Blades of Khorne, Slaves to Darkness, Flesh Eater Courts, Nighthaunt, Soulblight Gravelords, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Sons of Behemat, Ogor Mawtribes, Gloomspite Gitz, Orruk Warclans (also containing rules for both the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz), Fyreslayers, Kharadron Overlords, Sylvaneth, Idoneth Deepkin, Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth Realmlords, Seraphon, and Cities of $igmar.
Dice, we all love dice (even though there's none in the Big Box, but fear not, there's Dice Sets for Grand Alliance Destruction, Grand Alliance Chaos, Grand Alliance Death and Grand Alliance Order.
Also available this Friday is the next White Dwarf, issue #502.