Alrighty, Warhammer: The Old World is again bringing character and old school grimdark back to Warhammer, and this week it's the turn of Chaos. What looks like a great resource is the new Arcane Journal: Warriors of Chaos, which is apparently packed full of lore and goodness. In terms of miniatures, the first thing to say about this release wave is that it's huge, the second would be that some of these minis have only just left the Age of $igmar range, and the third would be that some of these are absolutley ANCIENT!! A mix of old Forge World resin, metal and plastic kits, this really is a walk down memory lane, and you'd have to question if some of thee minis really needed to be released, while others are a very welcome return! Let's start with the brilliant Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (metal), a deceivingly simple but excellent mini - the Champion of Chaos (plastic), Chaos Lord on Manticore (plastic), Champion of Chaos with Additional Hand Weapon (metal), Sorcerer of Chaos (plastic), and the truly ancient and pretty horrible Sorcerer of Chaos on Chaos Steed (metal). Next up are the troops, with the formidable Warriors of Chaos Battalion being the head of the spear, sporting 32 x Chaos Warriors, 10 x Chaos Knights and 2 x Chaos Chariots. This box hits hard and the enemy stays down! Outside the battalion box, there's the Chosen Chaos Warriors Command (metal), the Chosen Chaos Warriors (metal), a big box of 32 x Chaos Warriors (plastic), the Chaos Warriors Great Weapons Upgrade Set and Chaos Warriors Halberds Upgrade Set (both in metal). There's also some beasties, with the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth (resin), Dragon Ogres (plastic), two ancient - and some would say awful - kits Chaos Ogre Command and Chaos Ogres (both in metal), the old Chaos Dwarf Hellcannon (resin), and a few kits many people may never have seen - the Chaos Trolls (resin), Skin Wolves (resin), probably one of the best dragons Forge World ever did in the Warpfire Dragon (resin), the plastic Chimera, and the infamous Gigantic Spawn of Chaos (resin). That's a huge collection of minis, some unseen for a very long time. Also in this release there's the Warriors of Chaos Dice Set and Warriors of Chaos Reference Card Pack.
We saw the Dwarves rolled out in Warhammer : The Old World a little while ago, and now here's some more - all older and metal, there's some absolutely brilliant miniatures in here. Led by the previously rare Dwarf Queen, we also have the Dwarf Thane, Battle Standard Bearer, and Lord, the Dwarf Lords (including my favourite miniature of all time), the Dwarf Runesmiths and the Dwarf Slayers of Legend. These are all Made to Order, so don't get too excited about them arriving any time soon.
In books this week we have The End and the Death Volume 1 (Paperback) The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra Book 8 and another in the series of maps for Horus Heresy, The Imperial Palace Undone Map.