Alrighty, Xmas is offically here with the seasonal miniature of Da Red Gobbo doing something mad-cap and crazy! 2024 gives us Da Red Gobbo's A-bomb-inable Snowman, a cute little vignette with the world's deadliest snowman.
Horus Heresy gets some releases this week, unfortunately delayed for those in Australia and New Zealand, with only the Apocalyptic Blast Marker on pre-order this weekend. Read on for the goodies the rest of the world get to play with...
I books this week we have the Leagues of Votann-based The High Kâhl's Oath, available in spiffy-looking Special Edition or Hardback, Da Red Gobbo Collection in Hardback which includes three novellas (Da Gobbo's Revenge, Da Gobbo's Demise, Da Gobbo Rides Again) and two short stories (Da Wrong Type of Green and The Instigator). For big fans of Da Red Gobbo, there's also the new Long Live Da Red Gobbo in Hardback. Assumethe paperback will be closer to Xmas as a nice stocking stuffer.
Also out there in the world this week are The Horus Heresy Blast Markers and Templates with the Hellstorm Marker is for large-scale flame weapons, and the Apocalyptic Blast Marker and Apocalyptic Barrage Marker are for the big big guns of super-heavy tanks and Titans.