Leading the Forces of Sigmar, is the Lord-Imperatant, a mighty hero with a cute little Gryph-hound. New to the range is the stunning Iridan the Witness/ Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph combi-kit, which you'd have to thing is the core centrepiece for this edition of Age of $igmar. Also availabel for pre-order this week are the Lord-Relictor (awesome mini - must have!!), Lord-Terminos, Tornus the Redeemed (who used to be a Chaos dude), the wizard-y Knight-Arcanum, the coven of wizard-ry, the Stormcoven and the Axe-wielding cool kids - the Reclusians. Away from the characters, we have the new Lord-Celestant, who seems to be like the recent 40K infantry leaders, sporting multiple build options - which is a great move. They lead the new Liberators, Prosecutors and Stormstrike Palladors. In terrain we have the new Stormreach Portal which is just ACHING for soemone to convert into a Tardis. Just get two kits, block out the portal sides with the extra wall sides, paint it blue - BOOM - a Tardis. This release of course also has the new Stormcast Eternals Warscroll Cards and Stormcast Eternals Dice Set as well. The thing to take away from this release is the sheer amount of these that are Online Only, meaning that the Stormcast will have a much smaller footprint in stores! It's also so weird for the Liberators and Prosecutors as they are frontline infantry!
Also this week, the Ratling Warpblaster from Skaventide makes an appearance at a silly price, and the Ravening Gnarloak from Warcry makes a belated appearance having been pruiked for last week.
In books this wek we have the Special Edition of First Founding, the book that covers the first Chapters of Space Marines. This edition also comes with 9 x art prints, and a zinc alloy coin for each of the nine loyal First Founding Chapters. Also in books we have two Age fo $igmar-themed novels, Anvils of the Heldenhammer: The Ancients in hardback and On the Shoulders of Giants and Other Stories also in hardback.
As the world is drowned in plastic, Games Workshop are doing their bit to add to the pile with the stupidly expensive Stormvault Combat Case (perfectly designed to break your minis in transport) and the Servo-Skull Palette, which is a ridiculous gimmick.
Delayed release in Australia and New Zealand are the missing Darkoath releases, with the Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed, Darkoath Fellriders, Darkoath Marauders and amazing Darkoath Wilderfiend (online only) now available for everyone! Not sure why the Wilderfiend is more expensive than a whole unit of Marauders, but okay! I'm actually really tempted by this release. The Chaos Marauders have always been cool, and this update is a really nice one.