So to cut this love letter to design short, this week sees a generational change to Aeldari range, with no Jes Goodwin at the helm, but his designs loving continued.

So on the miniatures front we start with the reimagining of a personal favourite - Asurmen Phoenix Lord of the Dire Avengers Aspect Warriors. His striking blue and red panoply with his stark white mask is just brilliant, and add his traditional high hlem and back banner and you have the epitome of Aeldari grace and power! I have multiples of this guy in metal and now need this plastic version! Poo-pooed as fake by the toxic Community and keyboard know-it-alls when he was first leaked, we get the impressive Fuegan Phoenix Lord of the Fire Dragons. He is fire incarnate, and is joined by the brand new Fire Dragons, who along with their high helms, also come with bare head options for the Ynnari. Give me fuel, give me fire, give me a dude with big wings and a sword - ladies and gentlemen - Baharroth Phoenix Lord of the Swooping Hawks, appearing here in darker livery, but none the less a spectacular miniature who leads a group of other spectacular miniatures, the Swooping Hawks. Like the Fire Dragons, these guys and gals also have bare head options for converting them to Ynnari. A brand new character for the Aeldari, and one of the most dynmaic minis in some time, Lhykhis Phoenix Lord of the Warp Spiders Aspect Warriors makes her debut. Her appearance also sees the creepy-cool Warp Spiders also enter the fray, who not only come with the bare head Ynnari option, but sport the coolest rebreather masks you've ever seen. A classic re-release are the War Walkers, once synonymous with Eldar, it's great to see them still around for the Aledari. As you'd expect, there are of course Datasheet Cards and a firey orange Dice Set if you want to augment your game!
This week also sees the delayed release of the recent Middle-Earth line for Australia and New Zealand, which excitedly brings new plastic minis from The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. We have heroes - Haleth & Háma, Princes of Rohan (mounted and dismounted and optional head choices) and we have villains - Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes & General Targg (also both mounted and dismounted configuration but sadly no optional heads). Meanwhile - because she is an individual and no one can tell her what to do - Héra™, The Bride of Death - comes in resin... confusion reigns supreme. Being re-released and added to the The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim range is the plastic Rohan House, Rohan Watchtower & Palisades, and the Rohan Stronghold which is a large collection of those two previous kits. An interetsing addition to the range is the old metal Rohan Commanders. Why?
There's also some classic releases for Lord of the Rings, with the Morannon Orc Commanders, Mordor Orc Commanders, Gorbag and Shagrat, a Cave Troll, the Gundabad Orc Warband, Uruk-Hai Demolition Team, Isengard Assault Ballista, and Mordor War Catapult. Also in the Lord of the Rings re-release are metals of Haldir, Galadhrim Captain, Galadriel and Celeborn, the plastic Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet, plus metal Command Sets for Lórien, Minas Tirith. There's also two "creatures" with the comedic Watcher in the Water, and Birchseed the Ent both in resin.
The Hobbit also gets the re-released Bard, Hero of Lake-town, Thranduil King of Mirkwood, and the Iron Hills Dwarf Ballista. The bad guys get a big boss with the Goblin King and his Retinue, and the trio of Trolls.
Also in delayed release this week is White Dwarf 508 and the Primarchs Collection: Visions of Glory and Despair, a collection of art prints, one for each Primarch, plus The Emperor and Horus On A Bad Day!