Now here's a curiosity I haven't seen discussed, the new Battletome for Skaven is called "Chaos Battletome: Skaven". Why Chaos? Maybe we'll see a greater alignment of the Skaven into the Chaos Powers or maybe the Horned Rat will be more prominent in the Pantheon of Gods. It was the way in the past to have Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch aligned Skaven (do we want to see Slaaneshi Skaven? Me thinks not!) so maybe it is the way of the future! Anyway, the new Chaos Battletome: Skaven comes in two flavours - What's That Smell? Standard Edition and Please Don't Show Us Skaven Pink Bits Gamer’s Edition. Yes, no Collectors Editon, it's the new Gamer's Edition which replaces the Battletome with a smaller format book and tucked in the back it has a set of expanded Warscroll cards with expanded rules for your Spearhead, Armies and Regiments of Renown. Time will tell if this scratches the same itch that the Collectors Editions did, but as it's a very practical addition for players rather than collectors, the feedback will be very interesting.
Let's start off with the big guy, Vizzik Skour, Prophet of the Horned Rat, a big lad as the centrepiece for the Skaven. If The Horned Rat is taking greater prominence (as he did in the edition before Age of $igmar) then he will be wreaking havoc. The other leaders for the Skaven are Krittok Foulblade and the Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (previously in the Skaventide boxed set), both nicely dynamic miniatures, with Krittok being a particular fave. The Skaven had always had interesting leader models, and this new edition is on the same path. Speaking of leaders, we have two different types of Warlocks - the technical tinkerer Arch-Warlock (who would make an excellent base for a Dark Mechanicum Magos), and the Warlock Galvaneer who is more into harnassing warp-energy. If you'd prefer a Grey Seer with added hitting power, then Thanquol on Boneripper is probably more your cup of tea! Let's get into some troops there's the elite Stormvermin and their less talented kin, the Clanrats, who can be supported by the very cool-looking and temptng Acolyte Globadiers, Warplock Jezzails, Plague Pack, and the Rat Ogors (who almost look like they've each been done by a different sculptor). The Skaven love technology and the tradition of mad machines continues with the Warpspark Weapon Battery, Warp-Grinder,and Doom-Flayers all lending a hand, and occassionally not being helpful at all. The Skaven have their extremists as well, with Master Moulder and the Brood Terror of Clan Moulder also being released on pre-order this week. For Spearhead fans, the new Spearhead Skaven gives you a mix of older models plus the new Clanrats. There is of course the ubiquitous release of themed Skaven Warscroll Cards and a Skaven Dice set.
Just when you thought it was safe to look at a pre-order week, the dread has returned - Made to Order Middle-Earth!! These are all metal minis and include Heroes of the West (Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Gandalf the White, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Éomer, Éowyn, and Faramir), Gandalf the White on horseback, the brilliant Minas Tirith Command (Set 1 and Set 2), Warriors of the Dead, and Frodo and Sam in Orc Armour. The bad guys include the Fall of the Witch-king, Mordor Orc Captains, a Warband of Easterling Warriors and a Mordor Troll.
In books this week Dawn of Fire Book 8: Hand of Abaddon in both Special Edition and standard paperback, Dominion Gensis in hardback, the Tome of Fire trilogy is all put together in the Lords of Nocturne Omnibus, and the Temple of Silence in paperback. In merchandise theres' the AAA: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Desk Mat. As the owner of a white desk mat, can I suggest this will become very dirty very quickly!