Bolt Thrower - still quietly influencing Metal culture all these years later
Unexpected Flashback time...
Ok - are you a game player? By game player I mean consoles...
Back in the halcyon days of consoles, the mid-late 90s when Sega and Nintendo went toe-to-toe.
I went Sega and spent many an hour playing games and yelling at the TV.
One of my favourite games was the little-remembered Herzog Zwei - a simple yet revolutionary RTS game at the time.
The basic premise is... well simple
You are a plane (Veritech) that transforms into a robot who builds units to attack and hold buildings - simple, yes?!
Told you!
Back in the halcyon days of consoles, the mid-late 90s when Sega and Nintendo went toe-to-toe.
I went Sega and spent many an hour playing games and yelling at the TV.
One of my favourite games was the little-remembered Herzog Zwei - a simple yet revolutionary RTS game at the time.
The basic premise is... well simple
You are a plane (Veritech) that transforms into a robot who builds units to attack and hold buildings - simple, yes?!
Told you!
It was my first introduction to RTS and stuck with me for years - in fact keeping my Mega Drive out of storage for years so I could play it LONG after the other games faded.
The memory of my enjoyment of the game sent me searching through Xbox Live to find something similar and after flirtations with Halo Wars, Starcraft 2, Warcraft and the like, I felt unfulfilled. They were just too complex, too layered and frankly a little boring.
Sure, they looked great, and lacked the repetitive music track - but maybe that was part of the charm.
In fact they all basically used Herzog Zwei as their influence!
(The only game that even came close was Dark Reign in 1997 - a game unsurpassed in intelligent AI design in my opinion)
The memory of my enjoyment of the game sent me searching through Xbox Live to find something similar and after flirtations with Halo Wars, Starcraft 2, Warcraft and the like, I felt unfulfilled. They were just too complex, too layered and frankly a little boring.
Sure, they looked great, and lacked the repetitive music track - but maybe that was part of the charm.
In fact they all basically used Herzog Zwei as their influence!
(The only game that even came close was Dark Reign in 1997 - a game unsurpassed in intelligent AI design in my opinion)
So, enough of memory lane; while looking through Steam the other day I found something that took me aback - a worthy successor to Herzog Zwei?
It's called Airmech and call it nostalgia, but THIS is the game I have been looking for!
This simple, but graphically beautiful game has filled this gaping hole in my gameplay universe. It's free to play, and sure if you want to pimp up your Mechs, then spend some dosh and do it - but you can still play quite happily without it! Basically you're a transforming vehicle (Veritech, flying saucer, VTOL, helicopter etc) who builds units to attack and defend bases. You also transform into a robot and do some smashing of your own. You get your hands dirty, that's for sure. Look - just try it - if you have never played an RTS (who are you and why are you reading this?) then give it a go. I play with my Xbox controller attached to my PC - but the keyboard would be fine too. Airmech - loved it. Simple and fun RTS/ tower/ base defender game - get onboard! |