I like Goblins.
It's kind of unfashionable to say, but they're actually really cool little dudes - and if you ignore the Games Workshop universe - an adversary in huge numbers able to overwhelm and infiltrate your lines with easy or ambush with great skill.
It's kind of unfashionable to say, but they're actually really cool little dudes - and if you ignore the Games Workshop universe - an adversary in huge numbers able to overwhelm and infiltrate your lines with easy or ambush with great skill.
Back in the mists of time (well 1982 to be precise), Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone - the guys who went on to found Games Workshop oddly, started a series of books called Fighting Fantasy - a fantasy twist on Choose Your Own Adventure.
This is where I first started to love Orcs and Goblins, but unfortunately, the vision of those goblins isn't generally the way min designers see them today - until Red Box Games! |
Now I have to tell you, these goblin minis are tiny and beautifully in scale with the rest of Red Box Games minis, which instead of being bulky and hulking are perfectly proportioned and sculpted. Honestly, there are very few that do minis so well!
These Goblin Archers the ones I ordered a long time ago and have been waiting to paint.
Great little poses full of mischief and evil - one of them even has his tongue poking out! |
The Goblin Spearmen I am still to get, but if they are anything like the archers, the detail is lovely. As you can see, one of these guys is giving you the finger. We can only hope there will be more Goblins to come...
Now I don't always paint fantasy, as I have mountains of Space Marines and miniatures from pretty much everyone - but this project is going to be a fun little to do... so here we go!
Once dry the model was given a Testors Dullcote to unify the different sheens.
... and just to show you how small he is:
GW plastic Space Marine | Victoria Miniatures Cthood | Red Box Games Goblin Archer | Dreamforge Eisenkern Stormtrooper.