Dark Elves
It's in the name "Dark Elf" isn't it? All clad in black and dark colours, but why not try something completely new?
I absolutely love the Dark Elves, more correctly I love the Dark Elves that were released in 2013 - they are amazing models full of character and menace, very much like their 40K cousins the Dark Eldar (All Praise Jes Goodwin). I was thinking about this recently and the idea of a white Dark Elves unit from a cabal of Dark Elves from a snowy region. My previous Dark Elves have been very black - what one reader called "Batman Black" - with subtle highlighting and deep blacks to make them very formidable looking. The idea of a white Dark Elf was the exact opposite and quite a challenge when I actually sat down with the excellent Black Guard of Naggarond model and started. Overall I'm very happy with the result. It helps the miniature is frankly faultless - amazing to build and paint! I would be happy to paint more and see if I can have a small unit, maybe 2 or 4 to guard the commander. What do you think? Good idea/ bad idea? |
August 2015
The End Times Dark Elf Champion
If you read yesterday's review of White Dwarf #43 you would have seen the image (below) in that issue of some kit-bashed Elven Heroes.
The image really inspired me, so I decided to go through my bitz box and make my own Dark Elf Champion/ Hero!
I pictured this Champion as a Master of Blades, surrounded by Dark Elf Black Guard, so I used them for the main body.
The head is from the Sisters of Slaughter box which was hollowed and trimmed to fit on the head mount for the normal head.
The arms are from the Black Ark Corsairs, one crossed over his body and the short sword pulled back by his side as if to parry with the large sword and strike with the short sword.
He looks pretty good next to the Black Guard, and as a first try I'm pretty happy!
The image really inspired me, so I decided to go through my bitz box and make my own Dark Elf Champion/ Hero!
I pictured this Champion as a Master of Blades, surrounded by Dark Elf Black Guard, so I used them for the main body.
The head is from the Sisters of Slaughter box which was hollowed and trimmed to fit on the head mount for the normal head.
The arms are from the Black Ark Corsairs, one crossed over his body and the short sword pulled back by his side as if to parry with the large sword and strike with the short sword.
He looks pretty good next to the Black Guard, and as a first try I'm pretty happy!
November 2014
Dark Elf Dark Riders On The Storm, do-do-do-do-do-doooo
Hand on heart - I LOVE Dark Elves! What's not to love. riiiight?!
Well as soon as the Dark Elf Riders were released I knew I had to have them. They were the 3rd string in a dual box with the Doomfire Warlocks and a assassin looking Dark Riders - the helmeted variant were just in there for fun, not pictured much until I spotted them trying to hide... very Dark Elf!
Well as soon as the Dark Elf Riders were released I knew I had to have them. They were the 3rd string in a dual box with the Doomfire Warlocks and a assassin looking Dark Riders - the helmeted variant were just in there for fun, not pictured much until I spotted them trying to hide... very Dark Elf!
The paint job was pretty tricky in spots due to the odd assembly of the rider and horse (see the Sprue Breakdown below).
Now I've seen the issues, painting the horse with the hips and legs attached, then paint the torso and the rest of the miniature would be the best way. Aaaaahh, hindsight!
Anyway, I kept the palette very limited with this guy - just grey on the horse, black on the rider with the purple matching the Black Guard underneath the Dark Rider's cape - I figured if they were being stealthy, then flashy purple would be the way to go in the dead of night.
Now I've seen the issues, painting the horse with the hips and legs attached, then paint the torso and the rest of the miniature would be the best way. Aaaaahh, hindsight!
Anyway, I kept the palette very limited with this guy - just grey on the horse, black on the rider with the purple matching the Black Guard underneath the Dark Rider's cape - I figured if they were being stealthy, then flashy purple would be the way to go in the dead of night.
I mainly stuck with dark metallics to show this was not a highly ranked soldier or an elite rider of any sort. I did add the touch of gold to his helm for a bit of contrast though. More then anything I wanted him to look like he[d be in the same force as the Black Guard guy (below).
Overall I'm pretty happy with him and using the basing I showed you in the basing tutorial, he came up a treat!
Overall I'm pretty happy with him and using the basing I showed you in the basing tutorial, he came up a treat!
May 2014
Dark Elves Black Guard - back in black!
Dark Elves Executioners/ Black Guard Sprue Breakdown 2013
It was with great excitement that Wave 2 of Games Workshop's 2013 Dark Elves releases hit my inbox.
As a long time Dark Elf fan, they looked amazing! Crisp, clean and aggressive. A big step up from some previous incarnations. So it's the much anticipated release day, and it was time to venture out and get my Dark Elves Executioners/ Black Guard. I knew exactly what I wanted to make, in fact I was tempted to buy two boxes and have both, but I restrained myself. So lets get down to the sprue breakdown: |
On first impressions this may be one of the simplest kits GW have brought out, in terms of construction, in some time.
They are very static and perfect for ranking up.
Which is both positive and negative, but firstly, lets have a look at the unusual construction method involved.
They are very static and perfect for ranking up.
Which is both positive and negative, but firstly, lets have a look at the unusual construction method involved.
Body Assembly
The primary body construction is very quick, with the entire front half of the body attaching to the cape, shoulders and neck. They have neatly done this so there won't be much filling as the join is generally covered.
You'll notice the neck is attached to the shoulders in a ball-shape - again, so much for the hoped easy swapping of parts with the Dark Eldar kits! BOOO! |
Effectively being two kits, there are head options, but on inspection they are certainly limited - I suppose that fits the mood of the subjects!
The arm assembly is interesting.
There are two variants for the halberds on the Black Guard and the Executioners double-handed blade keeps half of the hand on the hilt,. the rest on the arm...
There are two variants for the halberds on the Black Guard and the Executioners double-handed blade keeps half of the hand on the hilt,. the rest on the arm...
Overall it's a nice kit - static, but nice.
It's a real shame the torsos aren't separate. I can see why for the Black Guard, but the executioners would have looked cool with twisted waists as if about to attack or mid swing!
I do wonder if GW are getting rid of the poseability of their kits? It would be a real shame if they did!
It's a real shame the torsos aren't separate. I can see why for the Black Guard, but the executioners would have looked cool with twisted waists as if about to attack or mid swing!
I do wonder if GW are getting rid of the poseability of their kits? It would be a real shame if they did!
The Build
So here it is in all it's glory - the Black Guard... and he's a menacing so-and-so!
Thus build you ask? Well - it went together very easily.as expected. Trimming around the spikes was a pain, but part of the deal when you do Dark Elves/ Dark Eldar. The arm holding the halberd is much closer to the body than expected, so I would glue that before gluing the head. Speaking of the head - it's only meant to turn to the left. The small hole in the base of the head that is meant to line up with the knob (hehehe) of his neck only really allows it to turn to the left. I'll experiment with a later one. The left arm (which I love the way it sits) is a tad fiddly to get into the shoulder, but looks amazingly natural. This sculpting is genius! He takes up almost the entire base. but stands well - he's not at attention or at ease, he's somewhere in between! I used the more natural hand and it looks great - grips well and isn't stiff. Overall a nice build. Very easy to build lots at once I'd imagine. |
Dark Elves Doomfire Warlocks/ Dark Riders Sprue Breakdown 2013
Now this was the set that really surprised me.
All the initial pics were of the Warlocks... and they're a bit naff in my mind. Then I saw the Dark Riders element to the box and became way too excited! I have the Cold One Riders and really like the concept, plus the models are amazing, if not a pain in the arse to paint! These Dark Riders though just seemed like brilliant skirmishers. You could imagine them streaking out behind the army and slamming into the enemy's flanks or their archers - the dynamic poses are just great! So, without much further to-do, let's get to the sprue breakdown. |
My first impression of these guys was "Wow, those Warlocks suck...". Then I saw the Dark Riders and the helmet options and just HAD to have them!
Body Assembly
Now you may be more of an expert than I on this, but have you ever seen a cavalry assembly like this before?
The legs moulded to the side, the separate mid torso/ waist combination? It's new to me, and will likely make painting easier, but how very odd. That was the first thing that struck me. |
Heads and other bitz
Put simply - there are a lot of heads in this kit!
You get the Warlock heads, the Dark Rider hemleted heads, the Dark Rider scarfed heads and the bare heads... you're just spoilt for choice!
You get the Warlock heads, the Dark Rider hemleted heads, the Dark Rider scarfed heads and the bare heads... you're just spoilt for choice!
As a kit I wasn't waiting for as much as others, this one really impressed.
There are so many options in here: the Warlocks of course, but you can also have light cavalry, skirmishers, stealthy scouts, hooded assassins on horses - so many bits to play with.
Of all the kits so far - this is the one I would get first!
It will build well, paint nicely and add real flavour to your army.
I will honestly be getting more!
There are so many options in here: the Warlocks of course, but you can also have light cavalry, skirmishers, stealthy scouts, hooded assassins on horses - so many bits to play with.
Of all the kits so far - this is the one I would get first!
It will build well, paint nicely and add real flavour to your army.
I will honestly be getting more!
With 6 Days Until Release - more Dark Elf Goodness
As if yesterday's pics weren't good enough - here's an HD video to tempt you...
Are the Dark Elves GW's Most Exciting Miniatures?
See our excitement boil over at the preview images of Wave 2!
We got our hands on the Witch Elves/ Sisters of Slaughter kit and this is what we thought!
GW Dark Elves - First Impressions
For a Dark Elf fan it's not al ranibows and lollipops with GW's 2013 Dark Elf range...l
It's with great excitement I see that the Dark Elves in the Games Workshop universe are about to get a relaunch!
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