A personal favourite in this neck of the woods are Beastmen, and with Battletome: Beasts of Chaos, available in both Happy Hirsute Hero Limited Edition and Nature's Forest Defenders Standard Edition, it's great to see these guys getting some attention again. There's also a new Beastlord model to lead your dudes and dudettes, but again the lack of alternative head or weapons options is a shame for the price. The new Vanguard: Beasts of Chaos box, which replaced the Cygor with a unit of Dragon Ogres and a unit of Bestigors is amazing. This is not only a great way to start, but a great force multiplier, a must-have for Beastmen players. Interestingly the Warscroll Cards for the Beasts of Chaos have not been offered this week, and neither faction get themed dice.
Sadly, there is another round of Made to Order, this time around the Commissars of the Imperial Guard - great to see them back as a playable unit. You can get your hands on Classic Commissar Yarrick, Commissar Yarrick, Commissar With Sword And Power Fist, Commissar With Bolt Pistol, Commissar With Power Fist, Commissar With Plasma Pistol, Lord Commissar or Severina Raine (who is currently in Last Chance to Buy as well). If that interests, then you can also get them all in the Mortgage The House Made to Order Commissar Collection. There's also two of the very old Inquisitor models in Made to Order this week too, with Inquisitor with Power Sword and Bolt Pistol and Inquisitor with Combi-melta available plus Lord Castellan Creed.