This month sees the start of Gathering Storm II, which sees the Biel-Tan Eldar Craftworld take the place of Cadia on the chopping block of the Gridmark! As this is a review of the White Dwarf, not a spoiler-fest, suffice to say that some things are revealed, and others are left. To out mind the balance between backstory of the characters is good, not overloading and making you want more. Tell you what though, the Eldar have so much angst it could be a teen anime. The Dark Eldar have always been a bit emo, but the Eldar themselves are all drama drama drama, and the level of infighting is really interesting and logical considering the way their civilization was torn asunder.
Apart from Gathering Storm, there's also new terrain for Eldar themed boards, more on the Tzeentch minis, A Tale of Four Warlords draws to a close with four great looking armies, plus multiple painting a modelling tutorials and more.
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