Magnus The Red might have been the start of this Tzeentch invasion in the 40K universe, but the Lord of Change himself is the tail end in Age of $igmar, because this dual kit can also make Kairos Fateweaver if you so wish. But it's not just the big guys, next week will see a tonne of reboxing - Blue & Brimstone Horrors, Pink Horrors, Blue Scribes, Screamers of Tzeentch, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot, Herald of Tzeentch on Disc, Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch, Burning Chariot of Tzeentch, Flamers of Tzeentch, the Changeling and finally Start Collecting Demons of Tzeentch which gives you a pretty good spread of demons.
Had enough Tzeentch? Well Blood Bowl is back, this time with Dwarves: the Dwarf Giants are the newest team to take the field, plus the release of a Dwarves and Skaven pitch (already sold out) a set of really cool Dwarf dice, and a Paint Bundle. There is also a Hall of Fame set of cards just random enough to send any game of Blood Bowl into total chaos!
Like your Knights Imperial? Like them all big and mech-like? Well Kingsblade is not just a weird anime, it's also a new novel set for release next week as is White Dwarf. Here's hoping we get it earlier than two weeks after release this month!
Big week next week, especially if you like Tzeentch. Have to say that if we're at the point of reboxing,. this surely must be the end! Bring on Slaanesh... or Nurgle if the rumours are true!