This is the largest model we have printed and comes from Aphyrion who does a series of vehicles, Titans and now more infantry. She also has a Patreon which we recently joined, but this purchase was made via CG Trader, and wow, this vehicle is a beast!
The Martian Kaphos Super-heavy Destroyer Engine
has multiple weapon options, but I went with the traversed artillery platform to give it that heavy hitting Titan-smashing look. Those big twin guns on the chassis certainly don't hurt!
I really took my time with this model, did my first ever non-military modeller style paint chipping (left) and was very careful and patient with the red shading, which is actually four levels of shading to get to that look. Usually I go for a crisp look, so tried to keep that style, but then thought about this being dropped into the field and rumbling along next to the troops, cracking the ground as its bulk arrives to give super heavy support and take down the giant walkers of whatever civilisation needs crushing.
This vehicle appears in the livery of Legio Ballista, our homebrew Titan Legio which was first started back in the early 90s with Epic 30K. It's certainly the biggest model for them so far and was a joy to paint!
Not only is this paint chipped, there's also rust on the parts of the metal that wouldn't see much movement and the most exposed to the elements - plus some filthy tracks!
The red recipe is Khorne Red base, Agrax Earthshade wash, Khorne Red highlight, Mephiston Red highlight followed by a Evil Suns Scarlet only on the very edges of the armour plates. Don't usually go with that extra layer of shading, but the sheer size of this vehicle needed it.
The tracks are Leadbelcher with Iron Hands Steel highlights. Then Contrast Wyldwood quite heavily over the top followed by Typhus Corrosion into the crevices to look like dirt and grime.