The main release this week, however, is the next installment of Kill Team - Kill Team: Chalnath, bringing fledgling Adepta Sororitas up against advanced scouts of the Tau Empire. Seeing Tau getting love so early was initially very exciting, but on closer inspection it's really just an extra sprue added to the existing Tau Pathfinders kits (see below). One would assume that will make it's way into the set at some point anyway. Chalnath also includes some older scenery that was discontinued, so grab it while you can! Of course this release also sees two dice sets, one for the Tau Empire and one for the Adepta Sororitas.
Also getting some love this week is Adeptus Titanicus in the form of the Adeptus Titanicus: Traitor Legios book and the massive Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan. This is a great kit to build and paint. I thoroughly enjoyed making mine and it looks amazing alongside the rest of the models. As Titan Legions go, the Traitors have some of the most complicated heraldry, so thankfully there's some decal sheets coming out too - one each for Legio Fureans, Legio Krytos, and Legio Tempestus.
I you enjoy this scale, then Aeronautica Imperialis could be for you with the very first appearance of a plastic Thunderhawk Gunship and their smaller cousins the Fire Raptors. Have a feeling a lot of these will end up as scenery in Titanicus games...
We all love hobby supplies - and we have some this week that will surprise. First up is the Citadel Painting Handle XL, very handy for the large models which are a pain to try to hold and not break while painting. There's also the Citadel Colour Assembly Stand (which is just weird), the Citadel Colour Spray Stick and a brand new one, the Citadel Colour Sub-assembly Holder allowing you to glue small bits to and then paint. A few people have said this just replicates using old sprue, but we'd be keen to try this.
In books we have Inferno! Presents: The Inquisition and the paperback of Stormvault.
Horus Heresy is getting some love lately from Forge World after a storm of criticism from the Community. This week it's the Trump-faced Remus Ventanus. This is a striking miniature, and if you use the helmeted option a pretty perfect miniature!