Games Workshop and their friends as Forge World have two Christmas models for us this year, and both available now! First up is Gorzag Gitstompa and Nikkit, who you may remember from the cover of the old Gorkamorka game. That art is floating around again at the moment, so go check it out. The mini is in stores today and then online some time in the future. Considering the state of various lockdowns around the world, having an instore miniature seems pretty poor timing.
Forge World, meanwhile have brought out Saul Tarvitz, Captain of the Emperor’s Children 10th Company during the Horus Heresy and staunch loyalist even as his Legion gave into their base selves.
Maybe these will inspire a new force for you, or pad out existing ones, either way, have a great Boxing Day, stay safe and enjoy the day off if you have it!