First up is the new Strike Force Agastus, which introduces probably the most maligned Primaris Space Marines since the Primaris Invader ATV, it's the Desolation Marines who seemed to have been laughed at from the very first glimpse. It's a shame as these could have been a lot cooler - use Gravis armour, make the weapons backpack mounted, or maybe underslung or on power gloves. They just miss the mark on so many levels. Strike Force Agastus does however come with other goodies including the new Primaris Lieutenant with all his weapon options (which in our opinion should have also been released separately this week too), the new close combat Brutalis Dreadnought and five of the older Heavy Intercessors. It's an expensive set, and as a limited set, it'll be interesting to see how it goes, because certainly at the moment it has few fans. It will be fun to see the Community creations that come from this set though, so there's that to look forward to. If you are in Japan, this set is unfortunately delayed for you at the moment.
There's also two new Boarding Actions sets based around the Arks of Omen story... arc (double ark, oh that's great!) with the Boarding Patrol: Chaos Space Marines now taking the #1 spot in the Best Set category. Not only do you get the mighty Abaddon model, but you also get ten Chaos Space Marines and twenty (that's two sets) of Chaos Cultists. Now that is either the start of a Chaos Space Marine force, or if you don't own Abaddon, a great force multiplier to your already existing army.
The second Arks of Omen set this week is the Boarding Patrol: Tyranids, which unfortunately isn't that exciting or that thematic. With one Broodlord, six Tyranid Warriors and eight Genestealers it gives you that Space Hulk-style vibe, but it's not very exciting. From what I hear the Genestealers are moving away from their brood/ horde style tactics and towards a more elite formation, so maybe this fits in with that meta, but it's a bit naff as a set - but maybe it's a great force multiplier...
No books this week after last week's Black Library Celebration, which just gives more time for hobby!