Talking of staggered releases, the update to the Delaque gang is here, with the new Necromunda: House Of Shadow which gives background and new forces to the gang of assassins, including the new Delaque Nacht-Ghul, Psy-Gheists and Piscean Spektor minis - which are weird and kind of cool, but a pretty sizeable departure from the minis we have seen before. Of course what would a release be with the requisite House of Shadow Dice and Delaque Gang Tactics Cards. In other Necromunda news, there's a great new weapon upgrade set, the Orlock Weapons & Upgrades, which not only gives you upgrades for them, but arms with rolled up sleeves - converters go forth and buy!!
There's some reissue scenery coming next week in the Battlezone: Mechanicus – Charadon. If you want to get these bits indiviudually, you can pick them up as the Battlezone: Mechanicus – Battlefield, Battlezone: Mechanicus – Ferratonic Furnace, Battlezone: Mechanicus – Galvanic Magnavent, and Battlezone: Mechanicus – Transterranic Gantries. On their own they're a bit useless, so having them together is actually quite good. There's also the new Battlezone: Mechanicum – Terrain Datasheet Cards.
In merch news, we have the Siege of Terra: Lion’s Gate Space Port Map, which you can add to your existing Horus Heresy maps, and in books it's the paperback version of The First Wall The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra Book 3, which I think is the third of fourth version of this book that's been released.