The two mini releases for next week are the Blood Bowl Troll and the individual release of the Gouged Eye Ork team, now available outside the Blood Bowl game. Blood Bowl also gets some Team Titan special play cards.
Next week also sees the introduction of new tools to the Citadel range. GW have had some very quality sporadic tools in the past, but now it seems they have taken cues from the industry leaders in modelling tools and basically copied - a smart move. Why reinvent the wheel. We have the Citadel Knife, Citadel Tweezers and the Citadel Saw. The saw actually seems good, with 3 different blades - it is very expensive though as there are other manufacturers who make similar products. The Primarchs: Magnus the Red novel is out and White Dwarf is also on it's way with all the Steampunk dwarf goodness!