So really next week is all about Guilliman and the Triumvirate of the Primarch (right) may be the most tempting yet for many.
Next week also sees the return of another tempting morsel - a Jes Goodwin sketch of Guilliman himself if you order one fo two bundles - the Bulwark of Purity or the Primarch and Force Ultima. We've heard very little about his Legion upon his return, so this is good to see. Something we are very glad to see is the Fallen Champions set which not only has the Triumviorate (right) but is also backed by some Fallen in MKIV armour.
There's also quite a cool book called the Gathering Storm Companion with shots of the miniatures from all three Triumvirates (also available as the Heroes of the Storm set BTW) plus interviews with the miniature designers. It would be interesting to see how much of this is just reprinted from White Dwarf though.
The Dark Angels Veterans get repacked as The Fallen - which is a bit stupid because the Dark Angels Legion symbol is different to the Fallen (their's is pre-Heresy era) AND the armour mark in this set is Mark VII when the Fallen would have worn older armour marks - both MKIII and MKIV are available in the GW range, so this seems a bit dumb and Ill-conceived!
Away from all that, the new Stormcast Eternal novel Dante is out.. .oh sorry!! It's a Blood Angel hahaha!. Well it's an easy mistake the make if you saw the picture...
Great news for those who have been waiting (like us) finally the Genestealer Upgrade Sprue is available!e as is the Deathwatch Upgrade Sprue. These are currently free in some other sets though. Free!
++ The Gathering Storm Collection of all three books is also available next week, so it looks like Gathering Storm is coming to an end - where to from here? We had a few thoughts...++