Let's have a look at the Tomb Kings, which not only displays different eras, but also three very different styles. In the modern era we have the excellent Tomb King With Great Weapon and the Tomb King With Sword and Shield. These look very much out of the latter era of Warhammer. They're tall and lean with ornate armour - and for the price, everyone should grab one! Then we move to an era that was further back in time, where the minis were more squat, had the less realistic heads and more "The Mummy" style. The Liche Priest On Foot and Mounted personify this, but at the same time also look like they're cosplaying as Tomb Kings - those cute little ears on the top of the mounted priest... KAWAII!!! The Tomb Kings Battle Standard Bearer on Foot And Mounted are also older, dating back to the plastic releases, BUT they came from a different school of Tomb Kings. Notice the heavy armour, the large banners and the kopesh. This is when GW really went for it, and it's a shame that the Tomb Guard are the only other Tomb Kings troop type to have similar heavy armour. Despite the goofy heads - and the fact these guys proportions are a bit ape-like - the unit on foot is an especially good model!
The Bretonnians also get some Made To Order this week, with the venerable Bretonnian Lord With Sword and Shield On Pegasus, leading the charge. A nicely proportioned miniature, he's certainly less squat than the older Bretonnian Paladins With Sword And Shield, who to our modern eyes look a little funny. I'm a bit rusty on my sculptors these days, but I have a feeling the Bretonnian Paladin With Sword and Shield and Bretonnian Paladin With Hammer and Shield may have been done by the Perry Twins. It looks like their work, with the more natural proportions and historically accurate armour. Away from reality, the Damsels Of The Lady make an appearance, and it's interesting to note how similar this set is to the newer one we've seen in recent weeks. Shows how good quality lasts! Finally we have three excellent mounted minis, the Bretonnian Battle Standard Bearer on Warhorse, Bretonnian Lord With Lance on Warhorse, and an all-time favourite, the Bretonnian Lord With Great Weapon on Warhorse. These three would make excellent additions to any force, leading armies, rallying armies and being the point of the charge. If you're collecting Bretonnians, these three HAVE to be winners, despite the odd pricing.