You might remember last week when we put up this photo as the start of the War Hounds Command Squad (right). At the time the idea of having a horn in the ranks of the War Hounds was to instill terror into the ranks of the enemy, like the Celts or the Scots did to the Romans in ancient times. At the time all I had was this small horn from the Warriors of Chaos set - but there were grander plans afoot. Well this weekend has given me a small amount of time to do the fine tuning I wanted, and now (below) is the finished product - a horn worthy of the War Hounds, a Legion who brought the idea of shock and awe to the battlefields of the early Great Crusade. Surely such a Legion would have an audible way to rattle their enemy - not like they were stealthy! |
... you raise the GDP of a small country in the first few hours of your Kickstarter!
Kingdom Death is a hugely popular miniature range which had very humble beginnings, well now they are set to raise even more money than Cool Mini Or Not did with their Wrath of Kings, which raised over $2 million and was still a year late delivering the miniatures! Still 42 days to go on this Kickstarter, so lets see what it gets to!
You might notice two sneaky little additions on the end there - The Hobbit has a brand new companion book as well as the Goblin Town walkways, which I'm sure will be popular with Skaven players too! ... and lastly before we go, the Thousand Sons Upgrade Set is on Last Chance to Buy. I ordered a set and despite them being Failcast they are excellent. Beautiful moulds, super crisp and clean - and cheap!!
As the cover suggests, this issue launches the new Blood Bowl game with a thumping rush pass! (I made a sporting reference - please write down this time and date for later generations). ++ More After The Jump ++
What planet striking Space Marine force would be complete without Drop Pods? Well in the world of 30K (or even pre-Heresy like for my War Hounds) then it's not a Drop Pod, it's Dreadclaw (below left)! Forge World make a very decent Dreadclaw, but it's a large piece of resin and frankly a lot of money for something that sits there looking like a rather unhappy crab! So when I saw some of the Guardians of the Galaxy toys (The Nova Corps Starblaster below right) on sale for $10 I thought I'd grab one just to add to the massive toy collection here at Beardy Hammer Central. It wasn't until I sat it on it's bum that any notion of anything else even stuck me - but there it was (below right) Dreadclaw-ish. All it would take was some paint and a bit of slicing and dicing! Screwdriver in hand, it was time to pull this thing apart. There's only one screw holding the base together, so I channeled my inner MacGyver and got to it. The thing basically fell apart, so it's very easy to do. Once the pieces were all apart I gave it a good soapy soak, then filled some seems with glue and sanded them flat when dry. The whole thing was undercoated black, then the metallic pieces were sprayed Leadbelcher, and Balthasar Gold was then used as an alternate metal colour for some areas. When this was dry, the metallic pieces were were washed heavily in Nuln Oil and left to dry while the cabin was sprayed white, then sprayed Macragge Blue. The metallics were then drybrushed in Ironbreaker. Once the legs and engine section were completely dry the legs were placed back in the engine section and the plunger that was originally removed was placed back in and glued in place (below left). This would keep the legs as far apart as I wanted without them doing the splits (below centre)! While this was drying, extra armour plates and rivets were glued to parts of the hull (below right). This was to give it a more Imperial look in tune with the Warhammer theme. SO MANY RIVETS!! Once the plates were done and dry, the hull was sprayed black, then a light coating of white, followed by Macragge Blue spray again (below). No work was done on the cockpit as it will remain closed. The previous cockpit section was sprayed white then washed and highlighted with shades of light grey worked up to white (below left). Not sure happy with this result as the shape is awkward to do. Decals were applied for my War Hounds Legion and the blue was shaded and highlighted. A word of warning though, there are a lot of angles on this proxy Dreadclaw, so be prepared to do highlighting! ... And there we have a $10 Dreadclaw!
Games Workshop's Horus heresy range has taken the community by storm providing a relatively cheaper plastic alternative to the previous Forge World resin miniatures. Certainly for fans of the era and for people who want to use older Marks of armour, this has been a real boon in terms of modelling options. Recently we asked question on Twitter about what you would like to see next from Games Workshop. So far we have seen two Terminator marks, two Space marine armour marks - the MKIII and the MK IV plus a Contemptor dreadnought and some characters. So what do people on Twitter want next...? Not to surprisingly it's the Heresy-era Rhino with a pretty resounding 45%. Surprisingly the MKII armour was the lowest, but with the Rhino offering so much expansion into it's variants like the Predator and Whirlwind, it odes seem like the next best offering. Certainly it's what the rumour mill is suggesting is next!
- So what would you like to see and why?? Let us know here or on our Facebook This video posted on Games Workshop's You Tube Channel, has some very interesting glimpses at things to come - well hopefully things to come... BECAUSE WE WANT ALL OF THIS!!! We've seen a few other breakdowns. but none of them are too specific - so lets get super-geeky and get really specific about what we're seeing here... The first image shows one of the Thousand Sons Space Marines with a gatling cannon of some sort, maybe a look into the new plastics expected soon. Interestingly, the Thousand Sons Upgrade Set is now Last Chance To Buy from the Games Workshop website too. In the second picture we see Tzaangers. As we mentioned last week in the new Hero Bases Review, there is a Tzaangor skull in that set so it seems the rumours are just getting more accurate as we go along. In the third image we see a better look at the Thousand Sons post-Heresy armour type, with the familiar modified MKV chest and helmet. The fourth image shows us a Cataphractii Terminator in modified Thousand Sons armour.. Strangely it looks like Cataphractii, but the shoulders are clearly Tartaros... odd! Note the Sorcerers on discs in the video too!! - Anyway, thought this glimpse might be fun. Let the guessing and waiting begin! ++BREAKING++
As well as miniatures there are also Thousand Sons dice, new paints and sprays
By the look of next week, we're looking at the return of Slaanesh! Slaanesh had been given the big back-hander in Age of $igmar, but with Made To Order now on the agenda, Juan Diaz' excellent Demonettes on Steeds of Slaanesh and Demonettes are back! Juan Diaz's sculpts go back to a time when Games Workshop realised it had an adult audience, and with Slaanesh being all about the fun bits, some of the followers were scantily clad. These models later left the range and this type of unabound hedonism hasn't returned... until now. This of course gets rid of a pretty lucrative collector's market that were selling them at high prices. It will be interesting to see what these look like next to the existing range actually. There are a few other things in the Made To Order section this week, including the Chaos Space Marine Khorne Lord, the Emperor's Children Lord and the Chaos Space Marines Sorcerer - all on 25mm, bases for some reason. Unlike the Demonettes, time has not been so kind to these moulds and they look pretty dated! In non-mini related releases, The Thirteenth Wolf audio drama is out and next week is also a White Dwarf week. Lets see if Australian subscribers get it before it's in the shops this time. Last time we got it a week after the shops!
I put this guy together to trial two things; making a member of a Command Squad and also using one of the new scenic bases. The Age of $igmar ones seemed better, as if the War Hounds were cleansing some world. As for the miniature, he is a mix of plastic and FW MKIII. The axe is from the Chaos Warriors kit and seemed to fit in as a brutal weapon these guys would have. The addition of the horn was just an idea I had of something the War Hounds might have. In time this will be replaced with a bigger one, just waiting on that to arrive. All members of the Command Squad will have back banners, this one is more elaborate than the normal marine version, as is his shoulder pad which has the Legion number, Legion symbol, an honour of some type and a Veteran badge. Figured that would be about right for someone in that squad. His other shoulder pad is form the Vanguard box (?) with a skull from the Age of $igmar Hero bases on top. Quite like this guy as a basis for a Command Squad - the idea for the helmet I'm still nutting out. Both of these guys belong to the Tactical Support Squad, sporting those nifty Volkites. The banner in this unit is identical to the banner in the Tactical unit, so this is the look of the generic War Hounds banner that I'll stick with. Both of these guys are plastic MKIII from the Prospero box. They went together well and chopping arms up was a Hell of a lot easier than the Forge World versions. The addition of plastic MKIII is a God send. If you're using the Forge World ones, do yourself a favour and get some of these plastic ones. They go pretty cheaply on eBay right now, so give them a go!
Games Workshop released the latest in their series of scenic bases this week, this time based around the heroes in your army - one set for Age of $igmar and one set for Warhammer 40K. The last ones released didn't exactly impress, with shallow detailing marring the overall look. Warhammer 40K Hero Bases
Warhammer Age Of $igmar Hero Bases
VerdictOverall these are an improvement on the cheaper Sector Imperialis sets that's for sure. The detail is crisper and they're more dynamic. There are no multiples in these ones, you only get one of each, as I suppose befits a Hero base. The addition of skulls is really cool, and the sneak peek at the Tzaangors is really cool!!
These are good sets and worth having even if it's just for the odd hero you might build. At first glance, next week looks like a week for everyone when it comes to New Releases... until you read the fine print! Blood Bowl may appear in the Pre-Order list this week, but actually it isn't available until the 25th so don't go getting too excited. In fact the other Blood Bowl products; the Death Zone Season One rulebook book, the paint sets for the Skavenblight Scramblers Paint Set, the Gouged Eye Paint Set, the Reikland Reavers Paint Set, the Skavenblight Scramblers Dice, and the Skavenblight Scramblers Boxed Set are all not available until the 25th! So what's actually available next week? Not tonnes... If you do pre-order Blood Bowl from the webstore though, you do get a Special Play Card which does who knows what?! Despite them relisting the Fortress of Redemption & Tau Tidal Wall, there's really only the Skyhammer Annihilation Force and the Planetary Assault (also in eBook form) coming out next week! Planetary Assault is the newest 40K expansion that includes the previous Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault and Cities of Death and presents them as stages of planetary conquest that you can play through. Pretty good value for $70 AUD really, especially with all the new datasheets and missions. The Skyhammer Annihilation Force is a hammer in a box!! You get two Drop Pods, two sets of Devastator Squads, four sets of Assault Squads and a Tactical Squad. Why only enough drop pods for some of the force? Who knows... maybe the rest have to walk. Skaven - they chose Skaven as the first boxed set addition to Blood Bowl - not Chaos, or Elves or Dwarves, bloody Skaven. Why? Someone at GW has a serious jones for these guys and it alludes us! Anyway, the main reason to put this here is to talk about the sprues. If you have a look at them they are (unlike the miniatures in the boxed Blood Bowl game) somewhat multi-part, not so much multi-pose. Shame that!! My plan is to take the Dark Elf box (there's also an Elf United team BTW) and make some seriously dynamic Dark Elves, maybe even assassins... The Orc minis I saw this morning would be very easy conversions, hopefully the rest are too.
As well as the building (you get three of these) and roof section (you get four of these, two which can double as fortifications on the ground), you also get a number of attachments, including two ladders, two walkways, a small walkway extender, and two different end pieces to make balconies or the like. That's quite a bit of stuff!! When you order you can also choose to have a cog detail on the floor or plain. The detail is nicely etched in and there's also a faux hatch etched on as well. The set also includes doors that you can have either in the archways or out for full access. I built these with full access, but you can shut therm up too. We were really surprised the amount of terrain we got for the $55 AUD, and when we looked at the website again noticed how modular this is! If you have a look at the Pillbox Set for example, that wall between the pillboxes is just a walkway with one of the containers under it - there you have it, a perfectly good wall!
These products are really cool and work in really well with the any sci-fi world. We even measured and the new 32mm bases fit on the walkways perfectly! - If you're considering some terrain but not sure where to start, give these guys at Scorched Earth a go. There are other kits, including walkways, intersections to make winding bridges and even supports to give height to your ever expanding cityscape. I'll give these a lick of paint and do an update, but from what I have seen, these will paint up nicely too. The rumours started a few weeks ago, and they were right - Games Workshop is entering the world of reasonably priced terrain! This week sees one new kit with the Haemotrope Reactor for 40K and two repacks with the Balewind Vortex & Magewrath Throne for Age of $igmar. Compared with previous terrain kits, the price point on these is actually quite reasonable (especially the Magewrath Throne at $28 AUD!) when you compare them to the recent 40K containers or the Age of $igmar sets. As well as terrain, the series of scenic bases continues, this time with a Warhammer set and a WH40K set. Given the sporadic quality of the last ones, we're a bit 50/50 on these... still ordered them though! IT'S AN ADDICTION!!! There's also three new paint sets, the Citadel Ultimate which has... well... everything in it, the Project Paint set and a really interesting one, the Citadel Artificer Tint set which allows you to lighten and brighten paints using tints. Now there's also another release this week which has really left us scratching our heads - it's the Miniature Repair Kit - which is a small tool that allows you to scrape mould lines, file and carry some glue. Frankly this seems like the winner of the Most Confiscated Keychain of 2017 at the Airport Security Awards. Is there really a need for this or is it just a way for fanboys to spend more money? In terms of gaming accessories there's a selection of new D6 dice in various colours and also new D10 Wound Tracker dice which come in a random colour mix. Again, more dice heading their way into the game of Warhammer 40K. Speaking of 40K, the final release for next week is the hardcover Castellan Crowe: Warden of the Blade. |
Project: War Hounds
Markings of the Great Crusade
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January 2025