It's here - the release that came out of the blue & slapped the community across the face - the Thousand Sons! There's so much released in one week, it's hard to even keep track of it all! Kicking off the Thousand Sons is the Warzone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus books, one back ground and the other rules. The background book also includes colour schemes for six warbands! There is of course a deluxe version which breaks the bank! (right In terms of miniatures, well it's literally an army released in one week: Magnus the Red himself (with multiple heads - thankfully one with the single eye in the middle), his Exalted Sorcerers, the elite Scarab Occult Terminators, the backbone of his Legion the Rubric Marines, the Tzeentch-tainted Beastmen, the Tzaangors, and finally the infamous sorceror Ahriman! This is an epic release - so many sets all at once. Interestingly, we may see the Tzaangors repacked very soon for Age of $igmar as their 40K weapons are on a separate sprue in the box. In related products, there are Thousand Sons dice, and two new paints; Thousand Sons Blue and Ahriman Blue. In other hobby news, there are a number of 'new' sprays; the return of The Fang just in time for Space Wolves to take on this new Thousand Sons threat, Stormvermin Fur, and for the first time a yellow spray Averland Sunset. A much needed addition to the range for anyone who's done lots of layers of yellow! The XL black & XL white are out too! |