Lizardmen are one of THE founding races of fantasy, having an important place all across the Dungeons & Dragons expanded universe (Dragonlance etc) and beyond, in fact even as recently as today with Mantic Games announcing a lizard man race (amongst others) for their new Kings of War expansion, Uncharted Empires. Games Workshop have their own Lizardmen (called that until a recent name change to the Seraphon) and this week's White Dwarf sees them re-emerge from what we thought was their doom during The End Times. Unfortunately, instead of giving some very old and very tired looking miniatures a much-needed revamp, we get the range repackaged! More on that later... Also in this issue we see the release of the individual parts of the Tau Tidewall that was sold out on day of release last week, there's also Armies on Parade, some Tau-themed Paint Splatter, Forge World get a look in and a sneaky tease about next week's Horus Heresy dump! + + More After The Jump + + |
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+++The past is always with us+++
I've been tooling around with this idea and one of these guys for a while, but the newer one (top row) I just finished today and I start to see how these guys might look as a unit - primitive hand weapon and all! What do you think? Beastmen in Tau service? .To give you an idea of scale, here they are (below) next to my another one of my human Tau Auxiliaries who uses the same recipe as the last one I did a few weeks back. By the look of this, Beastmen would certainly add some bulk as well as shock and awe to any Tau force! Incidentally - what do you think of the grey backdrop instead of the usual explosion?
So what do you think? I know it's a bit different for the Tau, but it may just work...
+ + More Pictures After The Jump + +
You may remember a Kickstarter we championed earlier this year called Tabletop Adapters - in fact we were the first to back it & first to blog about it, causing a real stir on our Twitter and Facebook! Tabletop Adapters are a very simple and quick way to turn the 25mm Games Workshop bases into the new regulation 32mm bases for playing Warhammer 40K. Unfortunately the Kickstarter was narrowly unsuccessful, but thanks to all the interest, the project is alive again - this time on their own website. There are some adapter copies on the market, some pretty blatant, but the originals are now available and not only are they super super cheap they are also available in bulk lots for a limited time!! Tabletop Adapters come on halves. You can see the join line here (above left).
I do multiple coats of paint around the bases, so a non-painted base will give a better fit. The Tabletop Adapters also have a small lip that the existing base sits on and acts as the new contact for between the base and the table. The bases themselves are an unfinished black plastic, so I sprayed mine with Chaos Black to dull it down. There were one or two bits of flash that needed a trim but very thin and easy to remove. - I'm really happy to see Tabletop Adapters finally make it to market, and so far I have been very pleased! For the price and quality, why not give them a go?
Used Corax White? Compared ti to the old Skull White? What are your thoughts?
The Tau Empire is more than just the Tau themselves - the Tau is an empire built upon many worlds and therefore benefits from the resources of these worlds which in no small part is those world's man power. Whether it is through industry or agriculture, the Tau are able to supply all their world's through their expansive policy of The Greater Good. It's not just farms and production that supply the Tau, it is a fighting force much larger than any that could be raised from Tau themselves. The Kroot and the Vespid are but some of the allied fighting forces in the empire, for there are many human worlds that have bent the knee to the Tau Empire and freely serve under their protection and benevolent leadership. The Tau use the word Gue'Vesa for their human troops, literally "Human Helper" in their tongue and they can be found fighting alongside their Tau masters on many battlefields. There have been no official miniature released by Games Workshop for the Gue'Vesa, so having always liked the idea of humans in Tau service, I decided to give making one a go. It's not my first I might add! The Advanced Tau Tactica website have provided their own rules for fielding units of Gue'Vesa, but I decided to go my own way with this guy. He's a simple combination of Victoria Miniatures and Games Workshop parts, which go together amazingly well. A perfect match in terms of scale!
Parts Recipe: The legs are Victoria Miniatures Conscript Legs (resin). If you want pockets, then the excellent Combat Pants would work equally as well. The arms are Universal Rolled Sleeve Arms (male) and once the stock was trimmed off, worked perfectly! The head is one of my all time favourite 3rd party heads out there at the moment, the Bald Chem Mask Heads. These are also available in goggled variety too and both are excellent. I noticed these resin ones have a more fragile piping than the metal ones, so be aware of that. I have pretty much every Victoria Miniatures head set (in resin and metal) and they are all amazing! The shoulder pad is also Victoria Miniatures and looks so cool in real life. It makes the model for me! The torso, pouches, pulse rifle and backpack are all from various Games Workshop Tau kits. I purposely left leg armour off as a Gue'Vesa would be unlikely to be as well equipped as a Fire Warrior. - So what do you think? Check out Victoria Miniatures stuff too - great value and very very well done!
Project: War Hounds
Markings of the Great Crusade
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February 2025