The Tau Warriors have stayed all-but unchanged since their introduction into the Warhammer 40K Universe. Some models that were metal either became resin or plastic, but a serious redesign has been missing - until now with the release of the new Fire Warrior kit that not only introduces new pieces for the Tau 'Breachers' but also some new drones options and what looks like a complete retooling of the kit, the legs are certainly quite different! Although a big release, there are other releases that get a look in this week including the first Tau terrain piece, the decidedly sizeable Tidewall Rampant which includes some of the first transparent pieces in a terrain set (that I know of). Sneaking under the radar is a large Tau Sept Decal Sheet which includes some vital markings for any Tau hobbyist. Also this issue has some Age of Sigmar, Forge World Raven Guard and... speaking of Raven Guard - what's with the change of armour colour? More on that later... + + More After The Jump + + |
Anyway, so as you may be able to see from the pictures above, not only are there awesome new shoulder pads, Plasma Blasters and squared-off helmets for the Fire Warrior Breachers, but the legs look like they have been entirely redone. Check out those chunkier feet and thicker legs. Yep - these are new! Dear Santa...
Have to tell you - HATE the front of those new Breacher helmets, but I LOVE the back and sides of them! See how complex life is? This is why Jessica Beil and I could never work out.
First off the blocks is the Shadow Force Solaq made up of Raven Guard veterans and a brand new Captain.
The Raven Guard miniatures actually have icon-infused (there's a word!) armour specifically suited to this set which is awesome (Above Top Right)!
Now - elephant in the room - if you look at these guys it looks like their black and white armour has been replaced with black and blue-grey. I've had a number of conversations about this since the images were first leaked - but WTF? - that's now white! That's definately a blue-grey (Above Right) so confused...
A few interesting things about this kit for first glance:
(A) the plastic looks quite thick which makes me wonder if it's one of those nasty Chinese-made terrain kits we saw recently that were so quality sporadic.
(B) this is the first Games Workshop terrain kit to have transparent plastic pieces - something that has been synonymous with some of the Infinity terrain sets for some time. This was an excellent pick by Games Workshop and is something that matches with the Tau aesthetic perfectly.
(C) it's floating. Have a close look at the pictures above and it's on little little legs to simulate floating. Cool!
Looks like this is a goner now anyway, but it's a very cool piece for any Tau force.
I wonder how soon we will see Eldar terrain that will probably quite similar!
Meanwhile - away from the Tau, there is an Age of Sigmar book release; Realmgate Wars: Hammers of Sigmar. There is of course a special edition...
Forge World meanwhile show us their excellent Raven Guard Mor Deythan Strike Squad. the markings and detail on these models is very impressive. Looks like Forge World are moving away from hand-made and going into 3D printing to me! Very crisp, very fine. Impressive!
Pretty ugly colour scheme, but some good techniques here.
The Eldar, like the Tau, use a lot of hover technology, which along with an amazing colour scheme, John Beech has recreated for his Golden Demon: Tanks 2015 entry and created a hovering Eldar Warp Hunter.
Such a great idea!! I want to do this....
Speaking of Breacher Teams - have a look at their helmets (below).
Now as I said above, I'm not a fan of the front of them at all, but have a look at the sides and back - they are AMAZING!! They would look so cool on Imperial Guard with the front cut out... I think I need some to make into Imperial Guard helmets. eBay here I come!!
If you had to pick between this and some paint - I'd go the issue!
Soundtrack for this review
Probably also explains why Jessica Biel didn't call *SIGH*