There must be balance in The Force, and this week we also get the bumper Combat Patrol: World Eaters, which is pretty much a one-stop shop for any new World Eaters player, or even for someone who wants to update their collection, as it features many of the new sets from this new Khorne wave.
Warhammer Underworlds is still going, and with each incarnation there's less and less minis in the set - so with Wyrdhollow it's certainly not going to be a hobby challenge! Stormcast or Tzeentch, you decide!
The folks over at Citadel Colour have released their new themed paint sets this week, with one each for Base, Layer, Contrast, and Shade. These have always struck us as a bit weird, with specific faction-themed paint sets surely being a more targeted way to introduce people to the range.
What would a week be these days without some Made To Order? This week it's out friends on the Heretic side of the fence. All of these minis are great, but definitely of their time! Available in white metal are the original Abaddon the Despoiler, fan-fave Typhus Herald of Nurgle, Ahriman the Sorcerer, Fabius Bile, Khârn the Betrayer, the Chaos Lord with Combi-melta, the Chaos Lord with Plasma Pistol, and four Traitors of Chaos will be available in metal (with the classic plastic Traitor backpacks), and the resin Heretic Astartes Daemon Prince, who is a beasty boy!!