Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is yet another Games Workshop property centred around the Warhammer world - Interesting the name Age of $igmar doesn't appear anywhere mind you - and today we get the first of the miniature expansions.!
One of the prominent packs in the original advertising for this game were the Sepulchral Guard, awesome undead models, and with them Ironskulls Boyz, minis in the vein of the old Black Orcs (now called 'Ardboyz). Originally the undead had me won, but over time the Orcs have really grown on me and would make an excellent Command unit for some 'Ardboyz. As is the way with GW these days, there are themed dice for four existing factions in Age of $igmar too; Stormcast, Ironjawz, Deathrattle and Khorne. As we discussed the other week, Warhammer Underworlds utilises cards a lot (PLEASE don't turn this into Beyblade) so there are also Sepulchral Guard and Ironjawz card protectors.
In other miniature news, The Hobbit gets some new minis with the Gundabad Orc Warband. These guys are resin, which is a bit of a shame, but they're still pretty cool.
There are three novels next week - The Last Hunt which is White Scars vs Tyranids, The Rise of Nagash, which is a Warhammer Omnibus collecting the three Nagash novels for a damn good price and finally .Cult of the Warmason which is Sisters of Battle vs Genestealer Cult.