Tabletop Adapters are a very simple and quick way to turn the 25mm Games Workshop bases into the new regulation 32mm bases for playing Warhammer 40K. Unfortunately the Kickstarter was narrowly unsuccessful, but thanks to all the interest, the project is alive again - this time on their own website.
There are some adapter copies on the market, some pretty blatant, but the originals are now available and not only are they super super cheap they are also available in bulk lots for a limited time!!
I do multiple coats of paint around the bases, so a non-painted base will give a better fit.
The Tabletop Adapters also have a small lip that the existing base sits on and acts as the new contact for between the base and the table.
The bases themselves are an unfinished black plastic, so I sprayed mine with Chaos Black to dull it down. There were one or two bits of flash that needed a trim but very thin and easy to remove.
I'm really happy to see Tabletop Adapters finally make it to market, and so far I have been very pleased!
For the price and quality, why not give them a go?