This month sees the start of Gathering Storm II, which sees the Biel-Tan Eldar Craftworld take the place of Cadia on the chopping block of the Gridmark! As this is a review of the White Dwarf, not a spoiler-fest, suffice to say that some things are revealed, and others are left. To out mind the balance between backstory of the characters is good, not overloading and making you want more. Tell you what though, the Eldar have so much angst it could be a teen anime. The Dark Eldar have always been a bit emo, but the Eldar themselves are all drama drama drama, and the level of infighting is really interesting and logical considering the way their civilization was torn asunder.
Apart from Gathering Storm, there's also new terrain for Eldar themed boards, more on the Tzeentch minis, A Tale of Four Warlords draws to a close with four great looking armies, plus multiple painting a modelling tutorials and more.
++ More After The Jump ++
We really only get four pages of Eldar, but then it's onto Tzeentch who get quite a lot of pages for models that have come out in the intervening weeks. Really all these pages do is prove that the Tzeentch range has to be up there with Games Workshop's best work - and this from a critic! This release has been stellar.
Off the back of the Tzeentch releases is this double spread for the Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal. Although only an ad, this gives us answers of what to expect in the this new boxed game. We have Nurgle warriors and Tzeentch vs a party of a Dark Elf, at least one Khorne guy, a Stormcast plus two newbies - what looks like the rumoured steampunk Dwarves and what we think might be a High Elf in very samurai looking armour. That[s all we get, but a nice little teaser there.
Planet Warhammer continues with a page on Gangs of Commorragh. This is the only reference in the issue which is surprising considering the amount of gangs being put up on the Warhammer Community website. There's also a page on the new Battletome: Stormcast Eternals. Yawn - haven't we done this before?
This is followed by a big double fodl out of a big battle between Tzeentch and Stormcasts featuring the new minis... oddly on the next page! SURPRISE!!
Stormcast Eternals are back and this time with the Vanguard Hunters... who basically look like Space Wolf Stormcast with wicked bolter/ crossbows that would look awesome on Inquisitors for 40k - just saying!! The disappointing thing about these guys is the price point. After reasonably priced Tzeentch (for the most part), it's back to Age of $igmar with these guys; 5 miniatures for $105 AUD. Nope! Also coming out are these super super cool Gryph-Hounds, and at $40 for six, I'm sold! Yes there are 2 or each one but there are some alternate bits to make them a bit different. These look awesome and great value!
Speaking of new miniatures, how about some terrain?! This is the Deathworld Forest terrain set, and you get quite a bit, but at $220 AUD it's not cheap and really not that great to look at. The broken Eldar symbols are pretty cool, but these actually look 3rd party and not genuine Games Workshop.
Forge Wolrd comes to the LAN party with two awesome looking miniatures - the Macrocarid Explorator which is a bit like a Mechanicum Sicaran for transport.and the Vultarax Stratos-automata which you would have heard all about on the Heresy podcasts around the net. - Eye Of Horus Podcast, we're looking at you.
Blood Bowl? Yes, we have the Dwarf Giants team - bloody awful man, GREAT looking minis - and a few Blood Bowl releases like the Skaven Dwarf Pitch (sold out don't bother) and the Hall of Fame Play Cards.
Wrapping up Planet Warhammer - bloody Hell this review has tuned into the bible - it's video games with Dawn of War 3 (SO COOL!), Mon O' War: Corsair, Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf and Blood Bowl 2 all getting as look in.
While on Blood Bowl by the way, Spike! Magazine looks at a glossary of terms used in the game.
Now here's some bread and butter stuff - The Fate of the Eldar talks to the designers and artists behind Gathering Storm II. This is quite neat and really gives you more of an insight as well as giving us a look at some Jes Goodwin sketches dating back to 2015. More background, more foreplay!
A New Breed of Eldar takes us through the story that will be unfolding in Gathering Storm II. Why this isn't earlier in the issue I don't know. It's only four pages, but it's good info especially on the Ynnari.
Do you like battle reports? Well you're about to get a big one. It's Tzeentch vs. Stormcast Eternals.
Imperium of Man takes a look at some epic art from the Warhammer 40K universe. This stuff is spectacular. Kudos to those who create works like this. Amazing stuff.
James Karch doesn't just make a new army from scratch in A Tale of Four Warlords, he also builds an Orruk force as well. How? Well he's about to tell us. The man is a machine!
Paint Splatter is pretty huge this month, taking a look at: The Yncarne, Kairos Fateweaver, Tzaangor Skyfires, Blue and Brimstone Horrors, and the Stormcast Eternals Lord-Aquilor (or chicken riders as they have become known). That's a lot of stuff - the Kairos Fateweaver is especially good!
Modelling and Painting looks at modelling options and handy tips for the Munitorum Containers and also the Citadel Trees set.
Golden Demon is a beauty, with some absolutely stunning Age of $igmar models. A whole different level of skill by these talented painters. If you're in this section, well done to you!
A Tale of One Painter is an interview with Christopher Stahl about his painting and conversion style.
'Eavy Metal Masterclass is a good one, but maybe not for beginners. It's about painting crystal swords and gemstones. The techniques are quite simple, but it'll take a few models to get them right!
Blanchitsu - what an awesome installment this is! This is a big favourite around here - Mikael Silvanto's Alpha Legion operatives and Johan Egerkran's Black Ship Crew are worthy additions. I don't know if this is THE Johan Egerkran, but if it is, he is an amazing illustrator and the man behind NORDISKA GUDAR. Well worth looking up - his stuff is awesome aqnd if you like Brom as an artist, then you'd like his stuff.. Anyway, his warband is amazing. Great conversions!
Finally, Readers Models just goes to show that you think you've seen the best Eldar Wraith Knight ever, and then another one comes along to blow your mind!
++ Verdict ++
Grab it, it's out this coming Friday!