Okay, so we have the Dark Imperium boxed game that has the community buzzing. You would have to say it's an impressive box, with the full hardback rules included. The miniatures are, however, not super poseable - so be aware.
Then there's the rulebook itself - Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition and it's SUPER expensive Deluxe Edition partner in crime. Surely this is the most expensive edition we have seen in a while - I mean there's a lot in there! But the rulebook is just part of it/ To supplement the rules, there are also five different Index - reasonably priced collections of datacards and some limited background. Hopefully this won't mean the end to larger books of fluff for the races - but if so, this follows the boring as bat-shit Dark Angels Codex template which is pretty disappointing. There are of course the usual Tactical Objective Cards, new dice including the Command Dice and Wound Trackers (which come in a variety of colours to choose from) and also a Combat Gauge in case you don't know how to use a tape measure. The Combat Gauge is also double sided - one Imperial and one Chaos. In terms of miniatures, the Sector Imperialis Tactical Objectives are super cool and sees the first time that Games Workshop have used the Japanese technology that Bandai use of putting two different plastic types on the one sprue. Something to add to your paint collection (also in spray can) is the new Death Guard Green - which you'd think would be in the colour of Death Guard shoulder pads...
To coincide with this release, there are also a collection of Starter Collection sets which come with the Index you need for that force. This is actually pretty smart, especially if you're thinking of trying a new army.
As with any game release there is a novel release too, Dark Imperium tells the story of two star-crossed lovers trying to reunite while also looking for their lost goat.... no - that's another book, this one is far less interesting but has more pow pow and zap zap!
As you may know, a lot of today's pre-orders are actually set for a June 17th release, so it's a two week pre-order window BUT, the things released next week will be:
Audio Drama-wise there is Champions of the Eternal War which is an anthology of different short dramas. Sadly Lemartes gets his own novel which is released on this week - bad luck for the Chaplain. The Crimson King, the next in the Horus Heresy novels is also out and tells the story of two star-crossed lovers trying to reunite while also looking for their lost magical goat.... it's Magnus, go on tell me that's not in this book!!