As with any new large release like this, there are multiple versions of the Codex - Limited Edition, Collectors Edition, and Bog Standard Editon (not it's name but oddly appropriate). In the models department, we have this very odd Plague Brethren deluxe box of three minis (appropriate for Nurgle) but also pretty hefty for only 3 push-fit miniatures, and some bits of paper! A very cool item though, are the limited release Death Guard Dice. Now these are very different, and with a nice wash of inks, maybe some gloss on the pustules, they would look amazing! As per normal, we also get a set of themed Data Cards as well. So if you're a Nurgle fan, go forth and wreak havoc.
Next week we should get the multi-part Death Guard, so curious to see those!
A few novels are out next week - in lieu of actual miniatures, Sisters of Battle get an Omnibus which collects Faith & Fire, Hammer & Anvil, Red & Black, Heart & Soul into one tome. Meanwhile the community wait for new miniatures that may just never come! Also in novels, for the Blood Angel fan, Mephiston is back in Mephiston: Blood of Sanguinius. Part pretty boy, part vampire lord (seriously - the guy is old school Blood Angel), this should be a nice return to normality for those shaken by recent events in the 40K universe.