The Kastelan robots have really caused a storm of excitement in the community over the last week or so. We discussed the history of them last week and I really wasn't sure I was going to buy this kit as it is very expensive, but I'm glad I did because... THE KASTELANS ARE BALL AND SOCKET JOINTED! This is great news because if this is the trend for Games Workshop then we might be that much closer to getting ball and socket miniatures! Imagine that... + + More After The Jump + + |
The parts are nicely detailed with crisp lines and well placed moulding channels.
I'm a big fan of his three-fingered glove, it looks great - almost alien... HERESY!!
He has two head options, the standard very Mechanicus one and a more human version.
The Power Gauntlets come in two pieces and lack finger articulation. Cleverly the Phosphor Cannons, despite being in halves, use this gap between them as a panel line so there doesn't need to be any filling
You can clearly see the sockets here on the hip joints.
Making Your Kastelan Super-Articulated...
I'm certainly going to experiment with the idea, so if you find it works for you - let me know!!
I absolutely LOVE that Games Workshop have given us ball and socket joints. This is new for them and I really congratulate them on doing it.
The modelling possibilities for this kit really do inspire and I think despite the price - which is HIGH at $118 AUD - these will hopefully model beautifully.
If you're umming and aaaahing and you have the cash - buy them!