The Sicarians are the second infantry boxed set from Games Workshop in their plastic Adeptus Mechanicus line. The box can make either the Sicarian Infiltrators or the Sicarian Ruststalkers. Having been really pleased with the Vanguard/ Rangers kit I was a bit reticent to get this one, but with the idea of building a squad of ninja robots from the Ruststalkers I thought - why not?! Well there are a few problems with that idea now... + + More After The Jump + + |
Imagine if thise legs could be ball and socket at the hip and the arms the same at the shoulder. The range of movement without the obstacle of shoulder pads is immense, but we weren't given the option.
I think in this day and age, and considering that some of their other miniatures have it, this should be done!
On the one hand you have the very steampunk Ruststalkers and on the other the more robotic Infiltrators.
I know the Infiltrators are based on a Jes Goodwin sketch, but I have some real issues with them. It may just be me, but they look a bit silly!
Mind you the influences are pretty obvious, the Commando Droids from Star Wars The Clone Wars cartoon and a fairly typical steampunk look - which is fantastic to have more of in the 40K universe.
The Alpha has a coat very similar to the Alphas in the Skitarii boxed set.
The Choadclaw hands (below) join to the arms via the thumb/ palm. This can be quite tricky and messy to glue, but the result if done carefully, is good!
The Infiltrators have the Taser Goad or Power Sword Option plus their choice of blaster
The Ruststalkers get either the Transonic Blade/ Transonic Razor combo or the Choadclaw/ Transonic Razor combo meal. Yum-yum, slice and dice in my tum!!
Backpacks/ Powerplants
Meanwhile, there are other small detail pieces that are very well sculpted, from pouches to a data screen, although limited, there are some options here for some diversity.
Verdict... & some Unexpected 40MM Bases!
In contrast to last week's Skitarii, the Sicarians come with large bases - 40mm - obviously dominating the battlefield more than their brethren. There is also a transfer sheet included with some nice little things to either apply (in a limited way considering the limited space) or add to your bitz box for later! Overall these are quite nice, but in all honesty the lack of poseablility really disappointed! If that doesn't bother you, then get them because they are well done and have some very different bits to paint from your usual GW kits |