Earlier this year, having already backed quite a few Kickstarters, I backed an IndieGoGo called Horde Invasion, the brainchild of Russian sculptor Taras Skorobruh. The miniatures were finely detailed and concentrated on Orks and the bad guys rather than the boring good guys. The first miniature to catch my eyes was the Minotaur which had a sense of brutishness that is quite often missing from Minotaur sculpts. Now having received him and a number of other miniatures from the IndieGoGo campaign I was not disappointed when I received them. The IndieGoGo campaign may be over, but now these miniatures and more are part of the Albino Raven Miniatures range. + + More After The Jump + + |
The Minotaur is in a number of parts which go together in a similar way to Warmachine miniatures - with square pegs! Each piece of the Minotaur fit together nicely and unlike some materials, it glued easily!
For a resin miniature he did have mould lines which I thought was interesting as you don't usually see them on resin kits. They are easy to find and clean up though, and you may notice there are also small pieces of resin on the horns which are easily trimmed also.
You can see the level of fine detail on this miniature, and he should be a joy to paint!
I was impressed how strong the resin is. Even on fine pieces it doesn't seem easily breakable.
As a centerpiece for an army or even a hero, this guy is very cool
Ork Berserker
They are big and strong, but not the slobbering imbeciles so often depicted. These Orks are tall and well muscled, but they are undeniably not human!
If you have ever read the Stan Nicholls book series about Orcs (excellent read for Orc fans!), then these Orks are much more like that - there is an intelligence to them, even elegance.
In fact if you're not sure how to poise it, have a look at the shape of the muscles and you'll get a good hint.
As you can see they obviously used my torso as a model for this guy *sigh*
The join of the parts on the Ork Berserker as more obvious than the Minotaur, so some green stuff will be needed to smooth that out. Beautiful sculpt!