This week we get to pre-order the next in the Age of $igmar series of expansions, Dawnbringers: Book V: Shadow of the Crone. As usual it comes in two flavours, Crusty Wings Limited Edition and Colonisation is Not Cool These Days Standard Edition, seeing the two enlightened forces of wonder and light forge their way across the darkened lands, establishing settlements where they weren't before and pissing off the residents who are having their land stolen! AAAAH Games Workshop, you picked a bad time for this narrative. You have to laugh!
There's two new boxes to go along with this, including the cover girl Krethusa Croneseer available for the first time in the Krethusa’s Cronehost. The minis included with her have been released in innumerable boxes before, but she is a great miniature, and probably an early contender for Golden Demon painters. Current post-wunderkind, Callis & Toll and their band of friends and fiends are in the Saviours of Cinderfall set. The old lady in this set is a must-have. She would be an amazing Rogue Trader/ Necromunda Lord/ Imperial Governor/ Space Marine toothbrush, even! Also in Age of $igmar, we get new terrain, with the Elder Gnarloak, Idol of Motzlpota, and Starfire Pylon (need/want) all available separately, plus the much-loved Ogor Mawpit.
Now, as we catch up with the rest of the world, this week sees some new minis for Legions Imperialis, with the venerable and much-loved Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron getting to take to the field. Land Raiders are THE BEST!! Answering the question "Is Warhammer 40K in the same universe as Star Trek?" and getting a firm "YES", the Solar Auxilia Arvus Lighter is a great little vehicle for any Away Team of hapless Red Shirts. There's also the delayed release of the Legions Imperialis: Manufactorum Imperialis scenery to make your games a little less flat!
Speaking of Horus Heresy, there's a new character model, and this time it's Endryd Haar, The Riven Hound. One of the first XIIth Legion inductees, and therefore a War Hound (thus his name) this is a very dynamic miniature in some MKV armour that really needs a spit and polish. The audiobooks with Endryd Haar are worth a listen if you'd like a grumpy angrier view of the Horus Heresy!
The next "core set" in Warhammer Underworlds is here, with Wintermaw on pre-order this week. Wintermaw sees the Brotherhood of the Bolt go head to head with the Skinnerkyn. Both of these warbands are things of nightmares, so I'm not sure who you'd barrack for!
Necromunda gets a little pat on the head this week (make sure you wash your hands afterwards), with the new Ash Waste Nomads Chieftain with Venom Caster. Brilliant looking model with an absolute tonne of detail! There's also the Outland Beastmaster with Giant Rat (notice one of those rats has a very Skaven looking head... we are very open to Skaven in Necromunda!) and if you need more, there's always the Wasteland Giant Rats. All gross, all the time!
The bulk of the Legions Imperialis are AWOL, so if you're lucky, then this week you can pre-order the Medusa and Basilisk Batteries, Legiones Astartes – Drop Pods and the updated Warhound Titans kits that now comes with a new sprue of plastic weapons. There's enough in this set to have two sets of ursus claws, natrix shock lances, volkite eradicators, missile pods and Incisor-pattern melta lances. This is a great addition to the already excellent Warhound kit. The bastard cousin of the glorious Warhound is the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan, and they get a new plastic kit this week which, like the Warhound, gives you two per box.
In normal Horus Heresy scale, there's also the new Legiones Astartes Infantry and Legiones Astartes Vehicle Transfer Sheets, which we were all excited for and now we can't pre-order. BOOOO!! Hope you have better luck than we do.