Being the first Saturday of the month - it's Warhammer: Visions day! In the past the issues have been quality sporadic - I mean full of lovely pictures, but pictures that had been previously in the last month's worth of White Dwarf issues. This month we get a banana-load of Ork pictures. Did you like the Ork releases? Well, my friend, you are in for a whole lot of greenskin-ery! Not sure about Orks? Well... there are other things in there too! There's a pretty good look at the Forge World Imperial Knight Lancer - probably the most detailed shots so far actually. There's also Lizardmen, Armies on Parade, a Hobbit themed Army of the Month, and some really interesting Tyranid Kitbashing... + + More After The Jump + + ~ WARNING - I am not a photographer, so expect dodgy pictures below |