Having now come to terms with owning this Armorcast Titan, it's time to update it so it's closer to today's expectations of a large kit. The original is pretty simple and is just an upscaling of the Epic scale version with large expanses of (at times pock-marked) resin. Many of the details moulded on also aren't crisp and straight and have obviously been lovingly crafted by hand - a hand that didn't do very straight lines.. There are however some new details on this model, and some details have not come across from the Epic scale kit. I wanted to add or delete depending on what that detailing was so that it would (hopefully) look better. The overall look of this kit is great - don't get me wrong - love the size and the vicious look of the original model, though I'm pretty sure the scale is slightly off. + + More After The Jump + + |
Also the addition of more bolts (above left) to the legs was definitely needed as they were very plain without them. This was done with alternating thicknesses of plastic rod that was rounded and then sliced delicately and glued into place. You can also see how the skull fits perfectly!
Bolts were also added to the head (below) to match the Epic scale version. I actually really like these and think they will add a lot to the face once painted.
What do you think?