This great video by Angry Joe is doing the rounds at the moment, so it's gives us a good chance to have an overview of the new Battlefleet Gothic: Armada game due for release early in 2016. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is based on the Games Workshop tabletop game first introduced back in 1999 where space fleets of the different WH40K races fought in the Gothic Sector during the incursion by Abaddon the Despoiler, and the subsequent campaign by the Imperium to restore order. |
This new game is made by Focus Home Interactive using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4 which produce some pretty amazing graphics and what looks like fluid gameplay.
There have been some shots floating around for a while, but this video goes into quite a bit of detail, especially if you were a player of the tabletop version, as Angry Joe so obviously was.
Check out the video, Angrys Joe's enthusiasm, and how skillfully Lord Inquisitor avoids the question of what platform this game will be available on. It'll be interesting to see if this make it to consoles and not just PC.