So, Orks... or Orruks as they are now called, gets the very dynamic Morgok's Krushas and we have an entry for Daughters of Khaine with Morgwaeth's Blade-coven. These sets are usually great, but there's always one of the minis that really isn't as good as the rest, I'll leave that with you to decide which one! There are of course Morgok's Krushas Dice and Morgwaeth's Blade-coven Dice plus Morgok's Krushas Premium Sleeves and Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven Premium Sleeves for those pesky cards!
Now of course if you want the whole kit and caboodle, then you can just get the Morgok's Krushas Collection or the Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven Collection and be done with it!
In books we have the The Horusian Wars: Divination short story collection in paperback and Horus Heresy book 54 The Buried Dagger also in paperback.