The release window (2-3 weeks) has all the elements an then some; there's the Codex itself, which is only 80 pages for the price of a normal Codex. It comes in the very cool Super Deluxe Gold Rod Edition, Deluxe Gold Rod Edition and the standard C3POs Buff Uncle Edition. Then there's the minis - now this at first looks like a lot, but it's actually two combi-kits and one Commander. The Commander is the imposing Captain-General Trajann Valoris - two sprues with no head or weapon options. The first of the combi-kits is the Custodes Terminators, the Allarus Custodians/ Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour/ Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator Armour set. The second is actually one we saw in the Talons of the Emperor and Burning of Prospero sets, the Custodian Squad/ Vexilus Praetor/ Shield-Captain combi-kit. If you want more than one squad of these, it's actually more economical to pick up one of those sets mentioned earlier. There are of course the Custodes Dice (in naff packaging and missing the Imperial Gothic numbering mind you) and Custodes Data Cards, plus a Custodes Paint Set.
Now away from the Custodes but no less Imperial, the Triumvirate of the Primarch set has been broken up (still cheaper to buy in the set actually, so if you like the three, then buy that!) so you can get Roboute Girly-man and Cypher seperately and two of the parts of the Triumvirate of the Imperium Celestine the Living Saint and Inquisitor Greyfax separately.
So that's minis done and dusted, it's onto the books and audio drama for this week which is the really cool sounding Alpha Legion book Sons of the Hydra and another Rogue Trader-themed release (this time an audio-drama) with Corsair: Face of the Void. Very interesting seeing all these Rogue Traders appear after so many decades of being sidelined by Space Marines...!
Now you may notice a little interloper on the first image here - and that's the Lego Astronaut! Why? Well I mean who knew, in centuries to come that the Lego Space Corp would become the Adeptus Custodes. Check out the image on his chest and the one on the front of the book! PROOF!! Worlds collide!