Games Workshop have also done a large update to their brush range. In the past they have gone with a combination of some acrylic and some animal fur. Now if you don't support the fur industry (where the GW and other manufacturer brushes come from) then that's an ethical conundrum. But now GW have brought out a line of acrylic brushes, which then bring those hobbyists back into the fold. The range is quite wide; Layer Brushes in STC S and STC M, Shade Brushes in STC M and STC L, Base Brushes in STC S, STC M, STC L and STC XL, Dry Brushes in STC S, STC M and STC L and a Glaze Brush.
There's also some books coming - A Dynasty of Monsters in Hardback, the Undeath Ascendant: A Vampire Counts Omnibus with 3 novellas and 3 short stories in it, the Hardback of Gitslayer and White Dwarf 464.