With Broken Realms here, there are some new boxed sets, all of which it has to be said are great; Ghorraghan Khai – The Butcher-herd, Luxion and Vresca – The Exquisite Pursuit, Rattachak's Doom-coven and Drycha Hamadreth - Drycha's Spitegrove are all nice army boosters.
In the world of Warhammer 40k, sneaking in this week is the Chapter Approved: Grand Tournament 2021 Mission Pack and Munitorum Field Manual 2021 MkII set adding more to the most recent edition of 40K.
In books the beautiful Ghazghkull Thraka: Prophet of the Waaagh! Limited Edition is on the way, as is the paperback version of Realm-lords, the paperback version of Gotrek & Felix: The Sixth Omnibus and issue 5 of Marvel: Warhammer 40,000 Marneus Calgar.
An expensive week for some it looks like...