As you know, the Middle-earth miniatures are slightly smaller scale to the normal GW miniature, but if you want really small you have to go to Aeronautica, and this week we get some new planes - the venerable Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighters to give yet more firepower to the Imperium.
A surprise release for Necromunda when first previewed, we finally get our hands on the Ogryn Gang, adding considerable brute force to the Necromunda game. Mostly lacking serious firepower, they make up for it in melee usage. Interestingly the release is the larger Slave Ogryn Gang set, and also the smaller 'Jotunn' H-Grade Industrial Servitor Ogryns. It's better value for money to get the larger set, as you basically get two for free. These will be kitbashed to Hell and back for every Imperial Guard force considering the current Ogryn models for the Imperial Guard are so poor. It's not just the big boys who get to play in Necromunda, it's also the deadly ladies as well, with Escher getting reinforcements via the Death-maidens and Wyld Runners which introduces some beastly companions and some great poses for the Escher gang. Both of these releases get cards with the Slave Ogryn Gang Tactics Cards and Escher Gang Tactics Cards out, plus there's the new Open Hive War Card Pack and Zone Mortalis Gang Tactics Cards. These releases are all off the back of the new Necromunda expansion, House of Blades which gives much more detail on the Escher gang and new units and rules. The book gets a House of Blades Dice and there's a House of Chains Dice too.
If you're more of a sporting hobbyist, then maybe Blood Bowl gets your heart pounding. Something that's unlikely to meet with too much excitement is the new team though, the Crud Creek Nosepickers. Mainly there for entertainment value, there's also the Blood Bowl Snotling Team Dice, Blood Bowl Double-sided Snotling Pitch and Dugout and Spike! Journal Issue 10 which gives rules and tactics for the Snotlings in the game.
Books this week include the new Warhammer Crime anthology No Good Men, the paperback version of Farsight: Empire of Lies for some Tau goodness, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology Oaths and Conquests and the paperback version of Watchers of the Throne: The Regent's Shadow.