During the launch of Age of $igmar, all we saw for many weeks were the bastard sons of C-3PO on steroids, the Stormcast Eternals. Like Space Marines but with less variety and super sparkly, the Stormcast Eternals were overexposed to the point of complete saturation point. It's with this piece of background in mind that I present this week's White Dwarf review which, at it's core, has Stormcast Eternals. The static Fritz Lang-esque dudes have not only returned, they brought with them a pet. And what would an Age of $igmar knight ride? Well a frikkin' dragon - what else? Sure they have no wings, but I wonder if the Seraphon look at them and think of these beasts as being in bondage to humanity, their supposed ally. Can you see it now? A "Free the Dracoth" bumper stickers all across the realm, marches in the streets calling for Dracothian rights. There's a side story for you! So is this a good issue? Worth buying?? ++ More After The Jump ++ |
The idea of the Dracothian Guard is actually really solid; Sigmar's answer to the Dark Gods Varanguard. Unlike the Varanguard models though, these are very solid, very static, almost as if on parade. Games Workshop do horses really well, so why not us the same rationale to these mounts too. For me they are just really boring. Some of the alternate colour schemes shown in White Dwarf make them look more interesting, but at $110 AUD for two of them, i'll pass. The Lord-Celestant is an option in the kit and adds a new rider and new armour to the Dracoth. The interesting thing is that Games Workshop have done a Lord-Celestant before - in the Age of Sigmar boxed set - and far from being static, it was dynamic and powerful looking (right). Pity they didn't just rebox this awesome older miniature! |
Again we are looking at high prices for characters, so this comes in at $42 AUD.
More Stormcast Eternal stuff, this time another upgrade for the existing models to make Tempest Lords.
This is a great idea and something Games Workshop have done in a limited capacity with Space Marines.
Frankly I think these would be amazingly popular with modellers and they fact they are doping them I think is awesome! More for Space Marines please...
Also next week Games Workshop bring out what seems to be single-serve superglue bottles.... whaaa?
The Last Wall is part 4 in the ongoing year long story arc, The Beast Arises, from Black Library. I'm falling behind on this one. It seem like there's some Imperial Fist Successor Chapter action in this book too! Woo!!
| There's two new Starter Paint Sets - one for 40K and one for Age of $igmar. The sprues for the 40k one are interesting (left). Finely detailed and only vaguely multi-part. - From Forge World comes my absolute favourite Battle-Automata - the Domitar. This is such a great looking model. I might need a Mechanicus army! |
Two awards for the Skitarii, and the MK IV "Veteran Tactical Squad" is interesting considering it's part of a boxed set! The name they gave it may also be a clue to what the eventual name will be when released as an individual box rather than the boxed Betrayal at Calth game.
I hate to keep hating on these (do I?) but check out the name of the unit with hammers: Concussors. Because they can give people concussion? Well why not call the ones with lances Stabbors and the ones with swards Slicors - Hell the ones with axes can be called Choppors!
Just kidding really - the others have cool names...
"Put on your helmets lads, here come the Concussors!!"
I'm 50/50 on this one.
Sorry for the lack of direction, but I'm avoiding my own prejudice and not ruling.