Over the past week I've been working on part of a unit of Chaos Warriors and it turned into a bit of an exercise in something I've not done much of before - batch painting! People who build armies do it all the time and I'm always impressed when they also manage to keep character in each model. That was my secondary task! Incidentally, these guys are actually going to be a faction in my mercenary force so aren't allied to Chaos as such. ++ More After The Jump ++ |
I basecoated them Caliban Green, then used Abaddon Black to wash them. The metallics were all washed with Nuln Oil, and you might notice the new Fulgurite Copper on the standard bearer's helm (below) and in small parts on all the models.
A big piece of the added character is due to the Chaos Marauder Horsemen who have some awesome heads. Originally I'd planned on using Space Wolf heads, but these worked so much better.
So not a bad start to batch painting - not sure I want to paint green any time soon - but it's pretty cool having more than one miniature at the end of a painting session!