If you're a fan, this Made To Order collection is available for a limited time and includes Arwen and Frodo (Mounted), Mounted Witch-king (Black Rider), Frodo & Sam in Orc Armour (with my absolute favourite LOTR mini - left), Elladan and Elrohir Unarmoured (kudos to the painter here who did them in the colours attributed to the Elves in the novels), Múrin & Drár, Galadriel - Protectoress of Lothlórien, Círdan, Cave Troll with Chain & Spear, Cave Troll with Chain & Hammer, Mordor Orc Captains and Ambush at Amon Hen. If you like them all, and it's probably one of the best all around collections they have put out at once, then you can get the, all in the Middle-earth Made to Order Collection.
White Dwarf 460 is coming with new rules for the Emperor’s Spears written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden.