Dream Forge have published more details on the different elements to their Shadokesh faction. The Armoured Shadokesh are finished pre-production and have been sent to China which means that Dream Forge have started work on their Feral Shadokesh. The base model (left) is still WIP but the plans are for six Ferals poses be done before they enter production. Ferals differ from the other Shadokesh by being more muscular and generally more... feral! Physically the Shadokesh have four bones (above) protruding from their back which are the first part of what were once wings. They now clip the useless wings at the first knuckle leaving the first bone as it contains fluids and assists balance. With the idea of at least two different types of Shadokesh we are slowly learning more about Shadokesh society. The Shadokesh participate in "The Great Call", a mass melding of intellect that resets and reprograms their base drives and desires - effectively a brainwashing session to get the collective on a single purpose. However if a Shadokesh can't get to "The Great Call" they start to act as individuals and in time revert to a primal and aggressive mindset, it's then a steady slope to going feral. Interesting universe, isn't it? |
They're a quite a bit taller than the Eisenkern, so the tabletop will look really interesting. Can't wait!!