You will therefore be happy to know that this is the final Armies On Parade update, as it's packed and ready to go. With all the minis now done, I have taken a tonne of photos, so clicking on the picture to the left will take you to a dump of the completed models in their p[ace on the board hopefully giving you an idea of the narrative and what is going on. I did manage to miss a few unfortunately, mainly in the Imperial delegation!
There is a story to go along with the scene, so it's also with the images. As you will see, I'm not a writer - so sorry about that - but it will set the scene and give you an idea of what's going on .
If you're in Sydney Australia and you'd like to see it in the real, maybe throw a vote it's way, then it will be at the Chatswood store on Saturday 15th of October. Come and have a chat too, I'll be there! :)